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  1. Samwo-olu, INEC MahMood, Bola Tinubu including all your families and any Nigerian that cohorts in rigging this elections Journalists that saw the truth and you closed your mouth, All the thugs that helped them out to rigged the elections. The only place all of you will find comfort is 6FEET BELOW THE GROUND. This CURSEi is placed on you and your generations to generations. This curse cannot be reversed by nobody or anything created by God Almighty.

  2. After the election, Nigeria problem will nolonger be the Igbos, it will be the government, maybe in the next four years the politicians will channel their problem to Igbos. Whether good or bad, Igbo man will provide for his family

  3. Nigeria politicians you see yourselves now. I have been telling all of you that what goes around always comes around. That those who dressed an evil masquerade will always be the victims when the masquerade is fully dressed according to somebody. How market to all of you. I only pity Nigeria. That is now a country of impunity AKA go to court.

  4. Who are the Nigerians who decides? Nigeria did not decide anything. Nigerian democracy is a govt of the elite/ thugs by the elite/thugs and then for the elite/thugs

  5. Sorry to ask this question to Arise TV broadcasters laughing while commenting here, just wondering if what happened throughout entire Nigeria elections is something to laugh at? Majority of Nigerians are in pain regarding these issues of intimidation, killings, kidnapping and beatings of people because they want to perform their civil duty. I am saddened when you news casters are laughing when you talking something serious.
    It sounds funny but will not be funny when it happened to your doorstep.
    I saw how Ojy was serious yesterday when she's talking about two of your crew members were attacked and one with injuries. So how can some families who lost their beloved one feels when you are in your station laughing while commenting on the issues. Even some families members sustained injuries and some kidnapped. To my opinion, it's not anything to laugh at. I think few people in Nigeria no longer feel bad when someone blood is wasted or shed.

  6. You can see how wicked all the INEC returning offers have become, Nigerians take your decision and let's do something, these people are not supposed to be walking on the road peacefully anymore

  7. Dr Abati, you're terrible calling security agent to go mind or keep peace for people now while as they never protected anyone during and throughout elections even they're the ones working against the will of people.
    Even those security agents you're calling here are most dangerous people you're calling to go secure Nigerians.
    Dr. Abati you can call police or security officers for yourself and your family.
    I can't believe that people like you who is their in National TV to use your talents to protect or fight for poor Nigerian masses but I believe you're there working against less privileged and poor masses in Nigeria. I am feeling sad and heartbroken on what is going on in our country Nigeria.

  8. This election presiding chairman here is a criminal. River state my people, what are you allowing this man to ride on you guys. Based in many evidences given, he supposed not to collect these results and need to suspend this collation center and go and review all the petitions!
    For really? What a shame and what are we teaching our kids? Tomorrow when our kids turn to be the same criminal you're embarking here, you will said he/she doesn't resembles me. I cry for Nigerians masses everyday on what we're going through.

  9. INEC chairman. The money NIGERIANS spend in this useless election. IS Just a wast. And resting in your account. Upon that you sell our mandate to your boss.the pay Back time Will Come. For what ever onรฉ do Come Back to him

  10. Sincerely Andy be I see any bigotry from ,I tag u unthinkable and unspeakable word in my brain…reason why didn't we remember this differences during ENDSARS..why.?
    Why didn't we remember it before Presidentila election..?
    Why didn't we remember it during Fulani herdsmen rampage?..
    Why didn't we remember it during nairaswap…
    If you are smart and wise.reas the handwriting that is clearly written.
    Before now …Peter Obi was never supported by the south East political and financial bigwigs…majority of people who supported him are from Yoruba land…listen ooo…Soludo was against him, Arthur Eze nu ukpo was against him,no goevrnor from South east supported him not one but just look at those people that were tagged betrial by the yorubas…big political wigs from South West,Yoruba land…let me shock you ,alot of Igbos were prevented from voting on 25th February so who then votes for Peter Obi to win in Lagos state,the yorubas and other ethnic nationalities and the structureless party.. inexperienced politicians defeated that very OLD ORDER owned and controlled by the ruling elite who are cut across this nation even with their structure of criminality hands down completely .this shocked them,pained them ,surprised them and it really was a great wake up call to them that their end is near with this kind of team work after they they did all to stop him even during campaign and go to arise TV after the presidential election one APC chieftain came and he was openly revealing all these but in high coded intelligent way and I sensed some rat cooking ,this wave of Peter Obi was borne out of frustration,hunger,hopelessness,despiration, made Aberibe to attest to it because alot of old order politicians who have been in power for years were retired on that 25th february.what a political shock wave of emancipation of psychological revolution with calmness and the old rorder went to their drawing board …brought out their old normal tactics and alot people fell..wachout2

  11. That reporter ovieteme has some corn in his pocket. You are asked a direct question and you canโ€™t answer it plainly ask itโ€™s asked by Rufai. That country is stinkingly corrupt. Itโ€™s only a few that can walk with their heads up when corruption and corrupt practices are mentioned.

  12. This arise correspondent in rivers state
    May have been compromised
    Does he mean that security was top notch and yet people where lamenting allover
    Later he said gun battles lasted an hour
    What is he really saying


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