Nigeria – Peter Obi Commends Release of Abducted Kaduna School Children, Calls for End to Insecurity


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Peter Obi expressed relief upon hearing the news of the release of 287 abducted school children in Kaduna.

He empathized with the unimaginable mental anguish and trauma the children endured during their captivity.

Their freedom brought solace not only to the nation but also to their families. Obi extended gratitude to the government, security agencies, and all involved parties for their concerted efforts in securing the children’s release.

While celebrating this success, Obi emphasized the need for continued efforts to free other captives held by kidnappers nationwide. He called for a comprehensive approach to eradicate the pervasive insecurity plaguing the country.

Obi stressed the importance of ensuring the safety of every Nigerian within the nation’s borders, urging the elimination of terrorist strongholds across the country.

In the face of prevailing challenges and pervasive fear, Obi urged Nigerians to maintain hope for a brighter future.

He encouraged citizens to envision a secure and safe nation, emphasizing the possibility of realizing a “New Nigeria.” Obi’s remarks underscored the collective responsibility to work towards a future where every Nigerian can live without fear of abduction or insecurity.

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