Nigeria – Governor Abba Yusuf Condemns Poor Quality of Food in Kano Ramadan Feeding Program


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Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State has denounced the substandard quality of food provided to residents through the Ramadan Feeding program.

With a budget allocation of N6 billion, aimed at supplying food to underprivileged individuals across the state’s 44 local government areas during Ramadan, the governor expressed disappointment at the meager portions and lack of protein in the meals.

A circulating video captures the governor’s dismay during an unannounced visit to a feeding center in Gidan Maza, Municipal Local Government Area.

In response to the concerning observations, Governor Yusuf emphasized zero tolerance for dishonesty and mismanagement of public resources.

His impromptu inspection was prompted by intelligence reports highlighting deficiencies in the management of the feeding program across various centers in the metropolis.

Through his spokesperson, Sanusi Bature Dawakin Tofa, the governor reiterated the commitment to ensuring accountability and transparency in public service delivery.

The incident underscores the importance of effective implementation and oversight in government-run initiatives, particularly those aimed at catering to the needs of vulnerable populations.

Many echoed his disappointment and expressed concern over the mismanagement of public resources, particularly in a program intended to support vulnerable members of society during Ramadan.

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