Nigeria – Atedo Peterside Criticizes Senate President Akpabio’s Insensitive Behavior at Wigwe Family Funeral


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Atedo Peterside criticized Senate President Godswill Akpabio for his behavior at the Wigwe Family Funeral in Port Harcourt, describing it as in poor taste. Peterside revealed his disapproval of Akpabio’s comments, expressing concern over the insensitivity of the Senate President’s actions during a solemn combined funeral.

Peterside highlighted Akpabio’s apparent focus on personal applause and political jibes rather than showing proper respect for the occasion. He specifically mentioned Akpabio’s lament about receiving less applause than Peter Obi and the inappropriate request for attendees to console the widow lying in one of the three caskets present.

Peterside concluded that such behavior was self-centered and lacked the necessary sensitivity for the solemnity of the funeral proceedings.

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