Nasarawa LP Supporters Chides Obi for Misguided Praise of Governor Sule’s Performance in the State


Some supporters of the Labour Party (LP) in Nasarawa State led by one Jackson Musa Panda have expressed deep concern by the recent trend of opposition leaders, particularly the recent visit by its erstwhile presidential candidate Mr. Peter Obi to pour unearned praises on Governor AA Sule and the inelegant APC administration in the state, despite the glaring evidence of poor governance and inadequate delivery of social services and infrastructure to the people.

In a statement, Musa Panda said disheartening to witness how political leaders who earned in their own right would succumb to the alure of falsehood which appears obviously due to the lack of understanding of the trend of development in Nasarawa State, the interest and voices of the people and their political priorities which is over and above the politics of now when discussing the state.

He reiterated that Sir Peter Obi should know that the last election was a referendum and total rejection of the APC evil machinisation clout (sic) in borrowed robes, and no one should be deceived easily.

According to him, to set the records straight while respecting the right of individuals to hold differing views, “it is unacceptable for anyone to turn a blind eye to the realities on the ground and shower unwarranted praise on an administration that has failed to deliver on its promises to the people even before the last elections.”

For emphasis, he explained that the Keffi-Makurdi Expressway that passes through Lafia was initiated by the Goodluck Jonathan administration through a chinese bilateral understanding, constructed by the Federal Government of Gen. Moh’d Buhari under the supervision of Mr. Babatunde Raji Fasola, as Minister of Works and Housing and the road may be commissioned by “our current President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, which therefore can not be attributed to any ingenuity or effort of AA Sule.”

“In case our leader was misled, AA Sule could only execute the less than 4 kilometre shendam road ro government house and the high court, 3.5KM Luvu road in Karu LG which was commissioned by the vice president federal republic of Nigeria, Kashim Shetima and another 1.7km ring road and renovation of government guesthouse commissioned by Abdullahi Ganduje in Akwanga, headquarters of his own local government area, all totaling less than 10Km in five years of his governing Nasarawa state noting the shoddy and highly inflated road contracts since his assumption of office five years ago for the avoidance of doubt.”

He restated that Governor AA Sule’s tenure has been marked by the dearth of infrastructure and a lackluster performance in governance, with many critical sectors such as healthcare and education, suffering from utter neglect and underdevelopment in spite of the billions of Naira that come to the State monthly from the Federation Account since the improved revenue following the removal of fuel subsidy in the country.

He described the governor as bad PR for the APC, a fact he claimed led to the total rejection of the party in the last elections across the board arguing that it may interest everyone to know that this lack of performance made it possible for you to win the presidential election and Sule to lose the gubernatorialelection subsequently.”
He said Nasarawa state deserves better than lies, very empty rhetoric, and hollow praises on the governor by serious opposition figures.

“Instead of engaging in political grandstanding, we call on leaders visiting Nasarawa State to engage with their followers before choosing how and what to speak or approach their hosts. They should focus their efforts on holding the APC-led state government accountable for its non performance, inactions, and demand tangible results for the people. Any such visits should sympathize with the people over abject poverty, destitution, and disillusionment that have been imposed on them under the leadership of AA Sule.”

Musa said as LP members and supporters, they remain committed to the initial principles that brought them together in the first place, which is to advocate democracy delivery and benefits of good governance in the general and collective interests of the people by holding non- performing governments accountable adding “we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the voices of the people are heard and represented purposefully in addressing their concerns and needs.”

“Our leader, Peter Obi, should not take our support for granted in his present and future endeavours in our state.”
Meanwhile Musa Panda commended Mr. Obi for replicating “some sons and daughters of Nasarawa Sate are already doing through their foundations in pursuit of charitable courses.” He said it is worth pointing out that it was for the lack of performance in the provision of such services that Mr Obi was attracted to the state at this time and every time he does so. “We thank him for this service and support for which we shall not forget in any hurry.”

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