Men’s Influence in Abortion Decisions: A Groundbreaking Study


Study Sheds Light on Men’s Role in Abortion Decisions

A groundbreaking study, conducted by Lifeway Research and sponsored by Care Net, has shed light on the decisive role of men in the decision-making process surrounding abortions. The research, encompassing a sample of 1,000 men who were cognizant of their female partners’ pregnancy before its termination, has painted a compelling picture of their influence.

The Measure of Influence

Close to 40% of the men surveyed believed they wielded the most influence on their partners’ decision to opt for an abortion. This significant influence dwarfed that of medical professionals, who were regarded as the most influential by only 18% of the participants, and the woman’s mother, who received a similar distinction from just 14% of respondents. The role of the abortion provider was perceived as the most influential by a mere 4%.

Men’s Role in Decision-Making

Furthermore, the study revealed that a substantial 42% of men had either strongly implored or suggested their partners to pursue an abortion. A significant percentage, 31%, refrained from offering any advice concerning the decision. The relationship status of the men also emerged as noteworthy, with 34% being married, 29% cohabiting, and the remaining 29% dating the women who underwent abortions.

Implications of the Study

Care Net’s CEO, Roland Warren, underscored the paramount importance of the study, emphasizing the revelation of men’s impact, an angle he asserts has been largely overlooked in previous examinations. Concurrently, Lisa Hogan, the executive director of Sav-A-Life Vestavia, underscored the significance of involving fathers in the decision-making process, contending that the child’s outcomes are likely to improve when fathers are actively engaged in the process.

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