Man Practising Medicine Without License Charged


A 39-year-old community health officer has been charged in a Taveta Law Court, Kenya’s Coast, for allegedly practising as a medical doctor without the requisite licence.

Wellinton Amusini Kemoli was apprehended on January 10, 2024, at Kitogoto village in Taveta sub-county, Taita Taveta County.

The court heard that the accused person was arrested at Shalom Medical Centre, where the alleged imposter attended to approximately 11 patients.

During the arrest, one patient was reportedly admitted to the facility for eye treatment.

In addition to the charge of operating as a medical practitioner without a valid license, the suspect is facing two more charges of personation of a medical doctor and operating a medical facility without the necessary authorization.

Prosecution Counsel Idris Tomno did not object to granting bail but urged the court to impose a stringent term, emphasizing the gravity of the charges against the accused.

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