LP and Obidient Movement – The wayforward

LP and Obidient Movement – The wayforward

It is true that the rottenness of the land has finally taken its toll on all our present efforts to turn the tides around for the greater good of all. Still, it is good that a whole lot of us have come to realize that in the “marathon” (not the quick-fix) required to reposition our country, these recent efforts should better be regarded as the “initial efforts”.

If those who took it upon themselves to bastardize our collective humanity as a people, worked doggedly through decades and ages to attain to their corrupt heights, it is only logical that we too (agents of true lasting change) will have to remain extra-ordinarily patient, cautious and resolute until our divine mission is equally achieved!

One thing we may not have known (for comrades calling for violent protests and the likes) is that, denying these cabals and cultic elements the opportunity for ‘spilling innocent blood’, has weakened their spiritual strongholds and now counts as plus for us in the realms of the spirit for the greater good of the New Nigeria that we know is still very much POssible.

Nothing happens without a reason; I believe that, in the coming years, these reasons will be made clearer to us!

Here are a few suggestions reached by my team of OBIdient supporters and I, as to what LP & the most fantastic movement in the world today can do to sustain interest, momentum and purpose for future victories on the ‘marathon’…

1. Convene a Victory/Appreciation Party, Summit or Conference
If Wike would not approve the Abuja National Stadium or Eagle Square, and if the _Emilokan_ tugs in _Eko_ still insist that they are not yet tired of being used by power drunk dirty politicians, I believe LP’s Abia state should be able to provide us with the convinient environment and venue for a remarkable event.

It should be like a Love Feast. Participants from all over can come with their groups and merry materials (food, drinks, bands etc). Keynote speakers can be assigned to take turns to address the people in such manners that this present occupiers of _Asshole_ rock won’t find grounds of ‘technicalities’ to accuse or arrest anyone.

The LP and our Principal can also very importantly use the opportunity to appreciate and apologise to ‘people like us’ who served as emergency/volunteer PU/ward agents (without pay) where the state chairmen failed during that election. Politically minded OBIdients can further be encouraged to register with the party, Ellu-Pee!

2. The Labour Party should be properly reorganised/reconstituted
It is no doubt that one of the major challanges encountered in enthroning Obi-Datti onto the Presidency were the loopholes in LP. Understandably to some of us, the crop of people manning its posts are largely of old-breed political mindsets – the ‘cash-out political mentality’ generation.

Even many who wore the garb of support group (SG) conveners are from this stock. I warned them in some of my previous write-ups that heavens may not forgive them if we lost the opportunity we had with Obi-Datti due to their greed and deception.

For instance in the northwest where I am based, some who canvassed for monies to be used for weekly radio enlightenment for Obi-Datti & the LP, either never did anything about their good idea (which they most times stole from others) or manage a one-two days shaddy events, pocketing the rest of the sums for personal use.

Whether by means of a convention or inner-chamber deliberations, LP must have to bring to rest the ‘faction related issues’ and properly elect loyal officers to handle the states, LGAs & ward chapters of the party.

Be not mistaken, in the coming days, we shall see lots of abandonments, defections and treachery. That is one way to know those who were not originally there in mind and heart with/for Obi-Datti… They had their own agenda and should be allowed to leave in peace…

LP stands the chance of being the only party in Nigeria (if not the whole of W-Africa) with outlined ideology. The leadership principle that our principals projected during these rigorous campaign period can simply pass for LP watchwords! A producing, rather than a consuming economy. An economy that hopes to turn Agriculture in the north, into the next oil-field of the country. A country where politicians without enterprise won’t continue to be richer than businessmen and everyone of us; to be propelled by the policy of cutting down on cost of governance. A country that thrives on ‘righteousness’, rule of law, equal opportnities and justice for all…

3. LP elected Public Servants must represent*
These shouldn’t wait to be reminded on what principles they were elected by the people in the first pldce. We do not expect them to follow that political status quo of ‘enriching self and allowing the rest of the world around to languish’… No matter what, try to make the difference. Just as one bad egg has capacity to spoil the rest, one good egg when properly managed can equally fix the others for profitably sale.

Impressively, our one and only govt Otti of Abia state is already leading the pack. Ironically, even the state with a priest as governor isn’t ‘seeing his back’. This is because HE Alex Otti fully has in mind, the ideologies that inspired Abians to vote massively for him. PDAPC do not have those ideologies and inspirations! Soon, as it is in their character, they’ld start wooing him to defect to their parties just as they’ld do those in the legislature.

Our 35 legislators should realise that with them around those hallowed chambers, the Almighty has created leaways for some of our country’s extant laws to be readdressed. We need to see you propose and follow up bills, especially those bearing titles of the observations highlighted by HE Atiku Abubakar in his media speech days ago. Electral laws and the enforcement of use of technology in our elections to eliminate violence and manipularions; reconstitution of INEC and the judicial systems, vague/complicated constitutional provisions, education, economic and political systems in our country should all begin to get questioned in the Senate and the House for good.

4. Prepare for Future Elections*
Whether the Obi-Datti team chooses to return or not, truth is that the OBIdient Movement & LP must be seen to be alive by 2027! The best time to start is NOW!

Find a way to get all the party’s organs working most effectively. Let there be a monitoring and evaluation arm (if it’s not already there). Take the grassroots officials (LGA, ward & PU) seriously – they may not be the money bags but they remain pivotal to achieving future successes.

Pay stipends where necessarily possible and give them proper regular sensitizations that would help them know the goal and possibly die for the actualization of a greater Nigeria…

There is a very serious educational cum orientational need of electorates in Nigeria which the present political elite won’t bother to address because they already benefit from it. That is by weaponizstion of poverty and ignorance, for use during elections.

Our ground work should constitute, helping the ignorant and poor people know before hand that our various tribes and religions are not our problems, neither are they the solutions, if we as individuals do not act rightly. Let the people realize consistently that demanding money/matetial ‘handouts’ (stomach infrastructure) during elections as conditions for voting will continue to hunt and keep us doomed as against what voting for sound ideologies will achieve.

OBIdients with real or virtual media means (like yours fsithdully’s) can be supported to take up these tasks of enlightening our people which can grsduslly be brought down to points of digestion by LP local/grassroots agents, over time, through townhalls or village square events. The north needs more of these orientations, I must confess…

5. Financing

Added to the fact that party members may be required to pay up dues, levies and donations, I still like to in sincere appreciation for the good job well done, still urge all those who stood in for the course, as benevolent donors (locally and in the diaspora) not to ‘hang up their boots’ yet. The Obi-Datti idea of the OBIdient Movement still needs you all. That stream of favour could be your own token of contribution to the healing of our land…

This time, every donor should be captured into LP database as such. No SG should be allowed to frivrolously seek for funds support without clearing with LP.

LP Should develop a very functions website/web system whereby most things can be carried out seamlessly. People should be able to register themselves or their SGs from anywhere with authenticity, get information, make contributions and donations that must be accounted for. This way, the party can even on its own be able to support competent young Nigerians who would want to run for grassroot political positions but lacking adequate capital. Our brand of politicians will be such that will not be swayed or forced to steal public monies in order to hpocritically serve in government.

Finally, I wish to express my disappointment about recent development on Twitter where I see a number of our OBIdient leaders of southeast extraction taking up Biafran usernames and DPs… If that is the mindset we have had, then we were wrong!

I believe that would have posed a serious challange, had it been the Obi-Datti mandate was allowed by INEC & the Judiciary.

How I wish we could all effectively be able to differentiate between the quest for Biafra, Oodua, Arewa and/or the larger quest for a New Nigeria that is very much POssible…

Henry-Paul OBN
Founder: Obi-Datti Grassroots Mobilizatiin Network (OGM-Network)
Member: POSN Media Team
Member: COPDEM

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