Latest activities of the Akwa Ibom State Governor, Pastor Umo Eno. Focus is on the Nigerian Navy


Latest activities of the Akwa Ibom State Governor, Pastor Umo Eno. Focus is on the Nigerian Navy Military School Graduation and Others. #thegoldenera



  1. Welldone Mr. Governor. There is an area that needs urgent attention and fixing. That is illegal markets and Street trading. It's becoming an embarrassment that every Street pavement is turned into a market. Name them Itam, Ikot Oku Ikono, ibom plaza, third ring road roundabout, etc have all been turn to markets causing traffic, destroyed ornamental plants, destroying public properties, dirty gutters, dirty streets. Proper markets will add aesthetics to the state and even helping capturing the much needed revenues. Please do something fast in this. regard. internal roads in our cities also attention

  2. Issues of open trading and streets trading is a worrisome issue that requires immediate attention. To put a lasting end to the menace, policies and laws prohibiting people from trading in the street must be enacted, and deligently followed through. Approved and designated markets must be created.


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