Labour Party demands CTC of Supreme Court judgement that affirmed Tinubu’s election


The Labour Party on Tuesday decried the non-release of the Certified True Copy (CTC) of the Supreme Court judgment that affirmed President Bola Tinubu’s victory in the February 25 election over one month after the ruling.

The party stated this in a statement issued on Tuesday by its National Secretary, Umar Farouk.

A seven-member panel of the apex court led by Justice Inyang Okoro on October 26 dismissed the appeals filed by the LP presidential candidate, Peter Obi, and his Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) counterpart, Atiku Abubakar, for lack of merit.

In the statement, the party described the non-release of the judgement’s CTC as embarrassing and depressing.

READ ALSO: Labour Party says Peter Obi resisted pressure to protest against Tinubu’s victory

The statement read: “The LP had, out of an abundance of caution, by letter dated October 27, 2023, applied to the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court for the certified true copy of the judgment in the LP appeal. There was a reminder through another letter on November 8, 2023. However, to date, the requests have been ignored.

“The LP is also aware that by the provision of Section 294(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), every court established under the Constitution (which necessarily includes the Supreme Court) has a duty to furnish all parties to the cause or matter determined with duly authenticated copies of the decision within seven days of the delivery thereof. The Supreme Court has failed to do this in the present appeal.

“In conclusion, the LP finds it very embarrassing and depressing that the Supreme Court would, after hearing the appeal by our party, refuse to deliver any judgment and also fail to avail our party of any copy of whatever it considers to be its decision. This constitutes an unmitigated breach of the constitutional right of LP and her candidate to a fair hearing.”

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