Kaduna Bombing: Nigerian Army ‘Mistook Villagers for Terrorists’ – Obi


The 2023 Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate, Peter Obi, has remarked that the Nigerian Army mistook the villagers of Tudun Biri community for terrorists after scores of them were fatally murdered by drone bomb attacks during a Maulud celebration on Sunday in Kaduna State.

“I read with sadness, the devastating reports of the accidental bombing of Tudun Biri Village in the Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State, by a Nigerian Army craft that mistook the villagers for terrorists,” Obi posted on his X (Twitter) handle.

Read Also: Nigerian Army Killed Our Children, Put Their Corpses in Sacks – Kaduna Bomb Attack Survivors

Obi added that the Nigerian Army should “exercise utmost caution and professionalism to avoid this kind of embarrassment to both the military and the country”.

“Even though the mishap is one too many, the security agencies should work with reliable human intelligence report on ground before any offensive attack to avoid innocent casualties as has reported in this case,” he said.

He continued: “Fatal mistakes like this leave indelible trauma on the families who have lost their loved ones to this ugly and unfortunate mishap. I sincerely commiserate with families that lost their loved ones. And to the dead, I pray God Almighty to forgive their sins and grant them eternal rest, and quick healing to the injured. We pray that such a mistake leading to a sorrowful outcome, as this, never happens again in our country.

“It is regrettable that the problem of insecurity in our nation has persisted for so long that we are now paying such unintended human costs as collateral damage.”

Read Also: TIMELINE: In 15 Mistargeted Bombings, Nigerian Military Killed Over 400 Civilians

The Nigerian Army has admitted responsibility for the drone attack but the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) demands a thorough investigation and compensation for victims of the military drone attack on Tudun Biri community in Kaduna State.

Survivors of the Kaduna Sunday bomb attacks have expressed their grievances over the loss of their loved ones to the catastrophic bomb attacks unleashed by the Nigerian Army.

Kaduna Bombing: Nigerian Army 'Mistook Villagers for Terrorists' - Obi 1

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