JUST IN: Peter Obi praises Tinubu for ordering implementation of Orosanye Report


Obi further urged the government to abandon extravagant and unnecessary expenditures that drain the nation’s limited resources, redirecting these funds towards essential areas such as education and healthcare to uplift people out of poverty.

He also called upon political leaders to demonstrate their commitment to national development by making sacrifices, relinquishing personal comfort and self-interest.

However, Obi cautioned against hastily implementing the report, noting that the primary individuals affected would be civil servants. He emphasized the necessity for a thorough comprehension of federal bureaucracy’s intricacies to ensure the report’s effective implementation.

The statement reads; “I have received several text messages from people wanting to know if I would have implemented the Oronsaye Report, which full implementation has just been directed by the President.

“In response to their questions, I would like to refer everyone to my Manifesto and my response to similar questions during my campaigns.

“On the 5th of October, 2022 at Havard University, I was asked: “Will you implement the Oronsaye Report?” and I responded in the affirmative. I went further to explain that implementing the report is one of the best ways to make governance efficient, cost-effective, and productive.

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