It’s fruitless to fight Nigerian leaders, pray for them instead – Adeboye


Pastor Richard Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God has called for more prayers for the leadership of Nigeria to overcome the economic and security challenges.

The RCCG Pastor-in-charge of Region 12 spoke while declaring open this year’s Halleluyah Mega Praise Night, Season 2 with the theme, ‘Dominion’, at the Shimawa High School, Ogun State.

Adeboye said rather than protesting and cursing leaders as is the usual practice in the past without reprieve, Nigerians should rather embrace prayer as an instrument to get the desired positive turnaround for the country.

The cleric said; “There is no nation like Nigeria. The fact that we are still surviving is a symbol that God has created this nation in a very unique way and very soon, we shall shout victory at last.

Nigerians should stand in the place of responsibility, because I have this philosophy that every possibility of God is compelled by the responsibility of man. Let’s do what we’re supposed to do.

Let’s move closer to God. And let’s believe in God and whatever we need to do physically, let’s do it. We’re not saying we should protest or fight against the government. We have done that in the past, we didn’t win the battle.

The Bible says that the heart of the king is in the hand of God. If only we could talk to God that put them there, I believe things will change and very soon, it will change for the better.

My message to our leaders is that they should recognise the one that actually put them on the throne. We should stop fighting our leaders. The role of the church is to preach righteousness and establish integrity. If the world sees that what we preach is what we are doing, I believe it will go round and it will be contagious, and very soon, everybody will be affected.”

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