Iran & Russian Forces Just Entered Niger to Kicking West’s Troops Out!


Let’s come together in reasonable dialogue to honour our ancestors and reclaim the world through an African lens. Join me as we delve into African history, culture, and worldview to better understand their relevance to our lives today. By sharing our thoughts and knowledge, we can pave the way for a new culture of awareness and reclaim our story. As the African Diaspora saying goes, “I am because we are, and we are because I am.”
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  1. Don't entertain these Western Bastards, if They really helped Africa since Independents in Economics, Social Developments and Military Alliances Africa would have been a successful countries now, but these Western Bastards only interested of exploiting African Minerals and enforced their Animalistic ( man and man can marry) and Devilish Values, KEEP THESE WESTERN BASTARDS OUT OF AFRICA !!!

  2. African unity to kick out the famous troubled maker in the world the US/France who make millions poor African into poverty/misery !!Iran/Russia/China will make the whole Africa on prosperity/economic development/enjoy peace

  3. When the french colonial General François Lecointre and BlackWater founder Erik Prince openly suggests that Africa be recolonized militarily, this becomes a very necessary alliance to keep the predators abay. Africa must add North Korea in the mix.

  4. What did the us actually do! aside from gathering their own intelligence. Where is the evidence, facts that they actually did anything for the people of Niger, and if they did was it effective! Have they improved the lives of the people = Zero

  5. Yes the West has done more bad than good. Let them break and step aside for their hypocrisy, capitalism and stealing of primary resources in Africa is ruining us. Let the Russians come with their good will, Africa will make and mark the difference.

  6. I have dream for so long of this.. Africa freedom …..i love Africa and Africans brothers…..i see this country became the best in this planet. Wisch the best for Africa and a big thanks to the BIGGEST AND STRONGHEST PRESIDENT IN THE WORLD. MISTER PRESIDENT P U T I N❤💯

  7. 150 years of colonialism and they called it Democracy. 500 million dollar installment was practically money laundering and they called it diplomacy and defense compared to the of Israel and Ukraine. 🔎 the close-up look itself indicates why the shift in allies.

  8. The west is only concern about losing control over Africa because with ths military bases all over Africa they are able to control many things it's not that they worry about our safety, because even the terrorists groups that they claim will pose danger amongst us in there absence was created by them

  9. Niger and others have found evidence that satisfies themselves that France, USA and other Western Nations have only exacerbated the terrorism problem and perhaps even brought it about deliberately. Anyhow, after decades of behaviour that leaves much to be desired they are being pushed out of Country after Country. They only have themselves to blame but they will never admit it.

  10. Bro…Prouncoune it right. what seems like a good report I stopped because you keep mipronouncing it like you're trying to drop the nbomb. Africans docnt call themselves that and any amount of time spent listening to them would let you know that and the pronuciation. It's another colonial language so it's pronounced Knee-jair.

  11. The Americans create the problems and then they offer the solution "Extortion of money and resources for defense". Which they created in the first place. However, never/ever trust the Turks, don''t forget what they did to Syria, Libya and Iraq. They are agents and servants of America/colonizer .

  12. Those countries who free themselves from western bondage/slavery…
    are free indeed!!
    The sun goes up in east…
    and goes down in west. (Ex oriente lux)
    And US/UK (and their Alias of the NATO-war criminals) the leading satanic imperial powers…
    are dying cadavers… thanks be to God!
    If the satanic power of the west and their chains are broken, the world can THEN- ONLY THEN!!!- breathe freely.
    May God Allmighty deal with all the satanic creatures behind the scene!!!
    Maranatha! Amen!


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