Iran-Israel Conflict: We’re On Verge Of World War 3 – PeacePro Says


…Urges AU to prepare to defend Africa

A peacebuilding think tank, Foundation for Peace Professionals also known as PeacePro has declared that the world is on the verge of World War III, after Iran drops missiles on Israel in retaliation of the attack on its embassy without adequate response from United Nations Security Council.

PeacePro in a statement by Mr Abdulrazaq Hamzat, Executive Director said the escalation of crisis between Iran and Israel is an indication of a wider conflict, stressing that the failure of United Nations to quickly provide adequate intervention is a signal the global body has effectively lost control of the global system, adding that the magnitude of conflict the world will experience in coming months cannot be imagined.

Hamzat specifically said that nations are no longer united and the voice of the United Nations is lost, an indication that the fibric holding global peace has practically collapsed.

According to Hamzat; “In absence of United Nations, it is safe to say that another world war is hanging around the corner, except something drastic is done to avert the upcoming tragedy”.

PeacePro therefore urged African nations, through Africa Union (AU) to avoid taking sides with the conflicting nations and keep the continent free from global battles, adding that the continent should be prepared to defend itself against any external aggression or forceful coercion into global conflict.

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