A Sunday morning attack by gunmen on St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo, Ondo State, of South West Nigeria, had reportedly killed unspecified number of persons during church service. The reports say the congregation was caught unawares as the gunmen opened fire on worshippers as the morning mass was underway. The bodies were said to have been deposited at the Federal Medical Centre, Owo. Many of the injured are also receiving treatment in the hospital.

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  1. Buhari has been shielding his Fulani brothers since 2015. Atiku, another Fulani man, is warming up to take over. Has he harshly condemned these rampaging Fulani herdsmen? No! Has be said anything about confronting Niger Republic for the free flow of terrorists into Nigeria? No! Has he agreed to state police and regional autonomy? No! As a Fulani man, his only agenda is to further the subjugation of the rest of Nigeria by any means necessary!

    Remember: Buhari recently named a road in abuja after Nigerโ€™s president. Instead of taking the guy to ECOWAS and AU, we are immortalising a guy through whose country terrorists are killing and maiming our country?

    The invasion had since begun. I visited Owerri recently, the whole place has been overrun by young-looking Fulani men aged between 15 and 30years old. The thoughts of what they have in stock for southern Nigeria is terrifying!

  2. My opinion Nigerian government should legalize use of guns only for self defense in this kind of cases and these guns bought can be traced if used illegally and user arrested that's all. But if not that senior security officials are involved in this they would have legalize use of guns for self defense in this cases

  3. A country where The president protects killer ,till date he says they are not terrorist but Sunday igbowo that says the killing must stop he is the main terrorist. Caught and prison.

  4. People have been shouting and screaming that situation in Yorubaland and all over Nigeria has become horrific than ever before. Unfortunately we keep hearing news of these atrocities all around Nigeria more than ever before and people don't take it seriously because it hasn't yet happened in their hometown. Dont be fooled. Nigeria is in serious crisis. Prepare now.

  5. There should be no voting in Yoruba land. Anybody attempting to do any voting in Yoruba land should be disciplined. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE TO STAND UP BY SAYING NO WE WILL NOT BE PUSHED OVER ANYHOW AND KILLED ANYHOW. WE MUST ALL PUSH BACK BY REFUSING TO VOTE!!!

  6. There killed more than 100 people get it correctly. Itโ€™s a pity for our people to die like chickens everyday and nothing I mean nothing is done about it.
    I the video ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

  7. Instead of them to install CCTV on every streets in Nigeria, BUHARI and his cabinets members , and other political theives are busy stealing money…they all should be arrested, a probe should be set up to ensure the security operatives are charged for incompetency….

  8. Until other tribes start taking up arms, they'll continued to be slaughtered like chickens. A 12yrs old northerner knows how to operate an Assault rifle, but the yourbas knows how to oeprate mouth only.

  9. This is not the first time. It happens all the time. Christmas, New year, Easter, etc. Targeting innocent Christians worshipping God in the house of God. For how long shall we continue to live in such a horrible situation? Yesterday, it was an attack on a train, today it is an attack in a Church. Who knows where the next attack will occur tomorrow? What sort of government do we have in Nigeria? Terrorists and bandits conveniently operate because the Nigerian government gave them the wherewithall to operate. That is what you get when you have an irresponsible and unresponsive government in office. Instead of fighting insecurity they prefer to hold party Consensus / Presidential Primary, that is all that matters to them as it is in their own personal interests. Human lives worth nothing to the government. It's a shame.

  10. This is government killing it people, this is Politics, Akeredolu is the one that sent those people to come and kill innocent people, Akeredolu Estate in Nigeria is at Peace, Akeredolu Children are in America, UK, London, England, Canada,
    enjoying lives,Akeredolu will not do anything because he sold his State to BUHARI and his evil cabinet and brothers BOKOHARAMFULANIHERDSMEN. Akeredolu will only come out to send his condolences on Internet, if need be, and then while he comes out to speak English, they will have to block comments section on Internet, so they don't get doomed with truth comments on Internet.

  11. Itโ€™s not even confirmed yet if these gunmen were Fulani or not but one has to be careful from public gatherings as election is fast approach. Nigerian politicians may need blood of masses for election rituals. May God protect us and our household.AMIN

  12. Unfortunately, Africans sacrifice more able bodied yound men and commit them to catholic church, but the Pope can't protect and take the case to United nations to categorically say this is unacceptable and must stop. What a shame and a horrible loss of life


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