Comments on: Gunmen Attack St. Francis Catholic Church Owo, Ondo State – ARISE News Report There is Good in Nigeria. Sun, 12 Jun 2022 09:09:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: In yourself Believe Sun, 12 Jun 2022 09:09:12 +0000 Unfortunately, Africans sacrifice more able bodied yound men and commit them to catholic church, but the Pope can't protect and take the case to United nations to categorically say this is unacceptable and must stop. What a shame and a horrible loss of life

By: In yourself Believe Sun, 12 Jun 2022 09:06:50 +0000 It is called any name but what it is and you expect it to stop. They are terrorists…call it what it is

By: Felix Abayomi Owolabi Sun, 12 Jun 2022 08:14:36 +0000 You kill another man in the name of religion or whatever senseless cause you think you are fighting ! Your own doom day is just few mins away! You can’t escape!

By: OYEKAN TV Sat, 11 Jun 2022 22:03:30 +0000

By: Britt Albach Sat, 11 Jun 2022 09:08:32 +0000 Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, protect the Nigerian Christians ! Lord have mercy on all of mankind !

By: Jesus is Muslim Fri, 10 Jun 2022 15:54:30 +0000 When 80 Judeo-Chrisians die, it's a TRAGEDY …. When Muslims are masscared in the thousdands, it's everyday news.

By: Loubd0gg Wed, 08 Jun 2022 03:50:36 +0000 Rip to all victims trying maintain relationship with god in these crazy times. Hope the attacker will be punished for this

By: DR GLORY ADEWOYE (SHEKINAH ) TV Tue, 07 Jun 2022 12:17:56 +0000 This man must be insane

By: Chika Njoku Tue, 07 Jun 2022 05:51:12 +0000 This is not the first time. It happens all the time. Christmas, New year, Easter, etc. Targeting innocent Christians worshipping God in the house of God. For how long shall we continue to live in such a horrible situation? Yesterday, it was an attack on a train, today it is an attack in a Church. Who knows where the next attack will occur tomorrow? What sort of government do we have in Nigeria? Terrorists and bandits conveniently operate because the Nigerian government gave them the wherewithall to operate. That is what you get when you have an irresponsible and unresponsive government in office. Instead of fighting insecurity they prefer to hold party Consensus / Presidential Primary, that is all that matters to them as it is in their own personal interests. Human lives worth nothing to the government. It's a shame.

By: Oracle Man Tue, 07 Jun 2022 04:50:52 +0000 Ñigeria is at war, the earlier we understand this the better for everyone one, let every rich man, carry a license AK 47, if most ppl carry fire arm themselves, bandit will think twice before using gun on ppl, becos they know among 2000 ppl. No single gun. So they reign free..
