Gunmen Attack St. Francis Catholic Church Owo, Ondo State – ARISE News Report


Developing Story: Yet to be identified gunmen on Sunday morning attacked St. Francis Catholic Church Owo, Ondo State, Killing an unknown number of members of the congregation, during the church service. #ARISENews is at the scene gathering more information.

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  1. Until the Yorubaland refused to be used by the northerners as rubber stamp to rule Nigeria there will be no peace, Yorubaland need to join Igbo and minorities to divide Nigeria and send the northerners away.

  2. I feel pained by the killings of this innocent people, but the most painful part is that we are paralyzed to do something about protecting the vulnerable. I don't know if it just me, PDP and APC keep coming to my mind over, over and over again. God why did you curse us with this two evil party? Why? I say why? #voteThemOut

  3. Killings has become order of the day in Nigeria. Very sad situation. I urge the Nigerian people to do the right thing come 2023 election. We must get it right this time. May the souls of the worshippers rest in peace.

  4. But we already told you what is happening. There is too much wickedness and the people refuse to repent. Leviticus 19:29 Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.

  5. They were sent by politicians from d north to do this ´´´´
    Nigerian south need recruiting of 500’000 new Nigerian military to cleanup insecurity
    Those north politicians are not ready to cleanup terrorist ´south should deport all northern back to their state
    D northern want to use d reason of 1 Nigerian to wipe outs d south Christian population
    We most be ready for a shot war to divide this country ´Islamic has problems with Christian in any country of d world ´1 Nigerian is a big lie´

  6. This is a disgrace if people are attaching this to fulani when they have Amotekun … they cant protect there territory and allow so call fulani men come to a territory that they are not conversant with and successful carry operation…

    haba na, this is politically motivated and inside job…. If you guys don't address this but pointing fingers to fulani, you wont get the real perpetrators cuz there is a rush to judge

  7. People have been shouting and screaming that situation in Yorubaland and all over Nigeria has become horrific than ever before. Unfortunately we keep hearing news of these atrocities all around Nigeria more than ever before and people don't take it seriously because it hasn't yet happened in their hometown. Dont be fooled. Nigeria is in serious crisis. Prepare now.

  8. There should be no voting in Yoruba land. Anybody attempting to do any voting in Yoruba land should be disciplined. WE THE PEOPLE HAVE TO STAND UP BY SAYING NO WE WILL NOT BE PUSHED OVER ANYHOW AND KILLED ANYHOW. WE MUST ALL PUSH BACK BY REFUSING TO VOTE!!!

  9. Ñigeria is at war, the earlier we understand this the better for everyone one, let every rich man, carry a license AK 47, if most ppl carry fire arm themselves, bandit will think twice before using gun on ppl, becos they know among 2000 ppl. No single gun. So they reign free..

  10. This is not the first time. It happens all the time. Christmas, New year, Easter, etc. Targeting innocent Christians worshipping God in the house of God. For how long shall we continue to live in such a horrible situation? Yesterday, it was an attack on a train, today it is an attack in a Church. Who knows where the next attack will occur tomorrow? What sort of government do we have in Nigeria? Terrorists and bandits conveniently operate because the Nigerian government gave them the wherewithall to operate. That is what you get when you have an irresponsible and unresponsive government in office. Instead of fighting insecurity they prefer to hold party Consensus / Presidential Primary, that is all that matters to them as it is in their own personal interests. Human lives worth nothing to the government. It's a shame.

  11. Unfortunately, Africans sacrifice more able bodied yound men and commit them to catholic church, but the Pope can't protect and take the case to United nations to categorically say this is unacceptable and must stop. What a shame and a horrible loss of life


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