Governor Radda Commemorates 36th Anniversary of Katsina State’s Creation |


Katsina State, Nigeria – Governor Dikko Radda expressed heartfelt congratulations to the people of Katsina State on the occasion of the state’s 36th anniversary since its establishment by General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida’s military government on September 23, 1987.

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In a personal message to the citizens and residents, Governor Radda praised the purposeful vision of Gen. Babangida in creating Katsina State and emphasized the significance of this historic milestone in contemporary Nigeria.

He acknowledged the relentless efforts and patriotic agitation of prominent Katsina public figures who played pivotal roles in the state’s creation, extending gratitude to them for their invaluable contributions.

Governor Radda highlighted Katsina’s unique qualities, including abundant natural resources and a wealth of human capital, as well as its significant contributions to national development, including producing two Nigerian presidents and a Vice President.

Despite the challenges of armed banditry and terrorism currently faced by Katsina, Governor Radda assured that his government is diligently working to restore peace and security in the state. He emphasized the administration’s commitment to security funding, support for security agencies, and initiatives such as the Community Watch Officers program.

Additionally, the governor outlined the administration’s focus on economic development, particularly in the agricultural and livestock sectors, as well as efforts to empower youth and boost the state’s Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).

Governor Radda urged the people of Katsina State to unite and contribute to the collective goal of building a prosperous and greater Katsina that serves as a hub of socio-economic development in the country.

Ibrahim Kaula Mohammed,
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Katsina State.
September 23rd, 2023.

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