Comments on: Gombe Tangale Stool: Indigenes Demand Governor Yahaya's Approval Of Chosen Ruler There is Good in Nigeria. Fri, 26 Feb 2021 14:03:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: ebonyi francis Fri, 26 Feb 2021 14:03:28 +0000 I love this culture,traditional rulership is by elections not by birth very interesting

By: Al-Gombawy Thu, 25 Feb 2021 12:46:14 +0000 What a one sided narrative from TVC, useless station. no mention of looting burning and destruction of mosques and Muslim properties which is why the curfew was announced. to suit there propaganda

Very useless station

By: Victor Deke Tue, 23 Feb 2021 12:59:10 +0000 This is one of the problem we are facing in nigeria.

By: Adedoyin Lawal Tue, 23 Feb 2021 09:37:33 +0000 The man will soon bring a Fulani as the district head now.

By: Pat Esamah Tue, 23 Feb 2021 03:30:31 +0000 I used to think that the Governor of Gombe State is a n educated wiseman but his conspiratorial silence in sending probably the wrong signal that he intends to be mischievous in by not allowing the will of the people to be done in their preferred choice of their traditional ruler has portrayed as fickle minded , easily predictable to do the wrong thing , and unwise. How on earth will a chief security deliberately set his domain on fire and expect to sleep? He has murdered sleep and will not see semblance of peace in his domain until he gives the people what they want. Has he not heard the saying that it is a dog that want to perish that does not hear the whistle of its master. Are the people now the servants of the Governor or the other way round of him in which the Governor who was elected to be the servant of the people. Whoever amended the law to give the Governor the prerogative to override the will of the people is a modern day anarchist.
