FULL VIDEO: Men Remove Roof, Take Down Mace Of Edo State House Of Assembly


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  1. I see no sign that it is a vandalization or demonstration. It looks like a renovation is going on. If that is but true, those guys should have detached mace carefully. Africans don't demonstrate without singing and yelling. It is not so in this video. Fake news this is.

  2. I know when oshiomole was governor of Edo state, no body dares what he is doing now. Obaseki made a big mistake by being follow follow to oshiomole for a long time. Allowing oshiomole to pick those to run for position was a big mistake. Obaseki is a far better governor than oshiomole and I expected oshiomole to be happy. I'm so surprised he's not. Humans na real wonder

  3. The headline is misleading. Channels TV is just as bad as the mainstream liberal media in the US. CNN, NBC, MSNBC and the likes.
    Twisting the story to suit their narrative! What was really going on was a refurbishment exercise. This becomes clear towards the end of the video.

  4. We have real lazy youths just like the useless buhari once said who channel their energy towards penny that will take their lives and livr some in perpetual pain for only god knows how long tatal illiteracy

  5. If only they know that it is state allocation that would had been use for something else the government will still use in renovating any property being destroyed… Wake up youths.

  6. Someone should pls ask this same youth's what they've archived since Obaseki and Phillip came into power believe me they possibly might not be able to put straight a strong statement that has to do with the reason why they are supporting the government of the day. Nigeria is gradually becoming what some person call animal farm remember if you have a farm which you have some animal's in that farm you feed them whenever you like and if you decide not to feed them for days, weeks and months so may it be with the attitude of the so called youth today believe me government after government will keep doing same thing and no one will ever have the courage to fight or champion the course of the youth except the youth themselves in order not to allow any leader denied them of the future they deserve

  7. Unfortunately, many people fail to see how wicked and evil Obaseki is. These are the people he sponsored to destroy Edo property all because he wants power at all cost. These useless and unfortunate youths are the ones who will pay with their taxes for the renovation of that building. Obaseki is cunning Liar aimed at grabbing power at all costs. In the end Edo will count so many losses. If Obaseki losses the election I pray he is not forgiven for all these nonsense. He must be dealt with and made to pay for all these destruction.


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