Enugu Partners NSCDC To Combat Vandalism Of Assets


 The governor of Enugu state has challenged the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence corps to design unique strategy to rid the state of public utility vandals and other criminal elements.

Mr Peter Mbah gave the advice when he received the delegation of Corps state command led by its Commandant Cyprian Otoibhi and New Controller of Immigration Service in Enugu.

Enugu literally means city on a hill which was erroneously belief that access to underground water would be difficult because of the topography.

The over two decades, the myth of inadequate water supply was demystified by Governor Peter Mbah, with the state now producing over 120, 000 metric tonnes of water daily within Enugu Metropolis.

The success story was threatened by the destruction of water facilities and other public utility assets at Akwata and other government infrastructure.

At this meeting, Governor Mbah charged the new NSCDC in line with their mandate to protect critical infrastructure from being vandalized.

He affirms the determination of his administration’s zero tolerance for vandalism and insecurity, and solicits the cooperation of the corps.

The new NSCDC commandant assured the Governor of keeping to their mandate of securing critical infrastructure in the state.

The newly posted state comptroller of the Immigration assured their support to rid the state of illegal immigrants.

Governor Mbah assures the immigration service of the support of his administration for efficient service delivery.





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