ECOWAS commends Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone over peaceful elections


The Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) has commended the peaceful conclusion of the general elections in Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone.

The three countries successfully conducted elections to usher in new governments this year.

In a communiqué issued at the end of the 64th session of the ECOWAS Heads of State and Government on Sunday in Abuja and read ECOWAS Commission President, Dr. Omar Touray, expressed happiness at the peaceful resolution of the election dispute in Nigeria and the positive outcome of the negotiation between the government and opposition in Sierra Leone.

It read: “The authority welcomes the peaceful resolution of the electoral dispute in the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the peaceful outcome of the dialogue between the opposition and the government in the Republic of Sierra Leone.

“Authority commends the efforts being made by member states and the ECOWAS commission towards the consolidation of democracy, peace, security and stability in the region.

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‘’The authority notes in particular the peaceful elections that took place during the year in Nigeria, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, and Liberia.

“The Authority also saluted the electoral process that led to a peaceful transition in Liberia and commended the acceptance of the result by President George Weah.

“’The Authority encourages the leaders and citizens of Liberia to continue to promote social cohesion. It urges the commission to accompany Liberia in these efforts.”

Touray added the West African leaders expressed concern over the continued insecurity and instability that has brought about terrorism, violent extremism, and unconstitutional change of government.

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