Don’t come to my bazaar if you won’t donate


Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka of the Adoration Ministry, Enugu, Nigeria (AMEN), has issued a stern warning to politicians, cautioning them not to attend his bazaar if they are unwilling to make monetary donations. This statement was made during one of his church programs and seems to be a direct response to a past incident.

In what can be interpreted as a veiled attack on the former presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi, Mbaka referred to a previous remark made during last year’s bazaar where he described a certain individual as a ‘stingy man.’ That comment had generated considerable controversy and was criticized by many Nigerians and the Catholic Church authorities.

Although Mbaka subsequently apologized to Obi due to an order by the Catholic Bishop of Enugu diocese, Most Rev Callistus Onaga, it is evident that the apology did not fully reconcile the situation.

Mbaka announced the upcoming bazaar scheduled for November 12, emphasizing the theme of “mega wealth.” He encouraged everyone to prepare well for this event, emphasizing that bazaar is a time to show appreciation to God. He expressed his expectation that people would contribute generously and bring friends along.

However, he made it clear that those who refuse to participate or who cause trouble during the event should not attend. He stressed the importance of everyone joining in the spirit of the bazaar and participating in the tradition of breaking cola as an offering to God.

“Bazaar has a spirit that accompanies it. When we see you, you will be given a microphone to come and kill a cow for God. It’s not an insult, it’s a …for God.

“But if you say no and would want to make trouble for us because you know the way to the Bishop’s house or anywhere else, you will only meet trouble at the end of it.

“I can’t understand how someone would come for a bazaar and refuse to break cola and a Rev Father would be asked to go and apologize to him. And it’s being told as a story. The one who’s right then becomes wrong and vice versa.

He warned that any individual who disrupts the event or causes trouble would face divine consequences, and those who sabotage the event would not find progress in their endeavors.

He also extended an invitation to banks that the church has relationships with to participate and make contributions to the bazaar, highlighting the cooperation of Fidelity and Zenith banks in the past.

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