Delta Monarch Accused Of Murdering Soldiers Surrenders To Police, Denies Allegations


The gruesome murder of military officers and men in the Ugheli South Local Government Area of Delta State was going to …



  1. Complete system failure and nothing else, but this woman you are actually not talking like a smart person o. The very emphasis on the suspects being declared wanted as though you have a clear proof that they are actually the perpetrators of this crime. Maybe u think soldiers are ordinary chicken that anyone can just wake up to strangle.

  2. The soldiers should keep away from oil bunkery and face their job. Let it be a lesson if they would learn. KEEP AWAY FROM OIL BUNKERY. The traditional ruler has no question to answer. It has happened it has happened.

  3. Why are you not talking about the release of 313 Terrorists, Bandit's and kidnapers? Why are you not talking about the killings of military men in the north? Is it because Niger Delta is oil produsing state? See how you are there betraying your people.

  4. It's an unfortunate experience having to listen to that Mr. Wale. It's easy to pretend that one has courage when one is condemning the dastardly slaughter of these 17 soldiers. But expecting the army authority to do the right thing, our courage takes a quick flight. Wale displays that proclivity. His ignorance of the issues is condemnable. His rush to blame the community leaders is not acceptable. Not willing to look at the issue of a royal monarch in Urhobo land being declared wanted in an unconstitutional and disrespectful does not pass muster

  5. I am not in support of any kind of killing but this same military men are killed in northern Nigeria. My younger brother who was a military officer was slaughtered in Zamfara State and nobody said anything it. The Military kept quiet in spite of the no of their men that were taken out in northern Nigeria, instead you hear of the Sheiks asking for amnesty. The life of every military man matters, some died and are still dying in northern Nigeria and the military keeps quiet. The families of fallen military officers are pained.

  6. Declare also the soldiers wanted who carried the reprisal attack., Which other justice you wanted after the killing of innocent civilians, make una respect u na self o, no be only u na get this country o, my condolences goes to all those killed, both of the military and civilians.

  7. When you have a government not of the people, not by the people and not for the people, this is what you get. Is land dispute a statutory duty of a soldier?. Why would the hierarchy of the military allow their personal to be used like tissue paper by corrupt civilian governments who refused to fund the police force adequately thereby exposing our gallant officers to opprobrium and untimely death?. The military hierarchy should wake from their slumber and be alive only to their statutory duties which is the protection and defense of the territorial integrity of the nation against external aggression and in some cases internal insurrection or revolts.

  8. There is more to this story. You dont declare a mornac wanted before investigation. And to blame community leaders is absord. There must be proper investigation by an independent body and not the army investgating themselves

  9. It is unfortunate that the soldiers were murdered in the manner, even a Lt. – col.a very senior officer. He could had been a bridge commander if he was in the army during the Nigeria civil war. Training a recrut to become a private soldier involves a lot of money not talking of what it takes to train a cadet up to Lt. col.

  10. Why the one sided information, only military giving information and controlling that said community no going in or going out is to be questionable… The presenter is conclusive for a journalist.. as sad as I am about the death of the military patriots. Why make this too much of an issue than the rude way our patriots are killed in the north with no alarm like this…

  11. Justice must be done! Nigeria needs to tell it's self the Truth!


    It's not by force to live together as one country!
    Dangerous diversity, corruption, injustices and no one to be held responsible.
    Disintegrate Nigeria now peacefully! Using our GOD gift of natural resources against us

  12. The way u people anylize this issue . Why close up the community againstjournalists and so on.
    This is all part of the result of a gvmnt not creating a lucrative environment for the citizens. No security
    Ask urself how the gvmnt is shielding terrorists we dy watch una.
    Una dey play

  13. Please were there war in the first place Nigerians should be honest with the issues on grand we are only talking about the army what about the innocent people killed by the military are they not human?

  14. I think there are questions the Military needs to answer too.
    1. Was the state Government aware of this peace action?

    2.Was it a directive from the state Government because the governor is the chief security officer in that state when it comes to communal/internal crises.

    3. Was there any peace resolution committee set up by the state government comprising the police, DSS, LGA chairman, state and National Assembly representatives, stakeholders from the communities and state?

    4 Were the leaders of these communities invited for a peace meeting prior to this peace move by Military?

    5. Was there proper communication between the both community leadership and the state government, Military before this peace move?

    So sad to see our senior Military personnel die in this manner, Poorly equipped while going for this.
    Just thinking aloud though.

  15. Did Army killed anyone firsthand, why must army open fire on civilians, the Bible said, that fathers must not provoke their children to anger. Killing of soldiers in the Northern Nigeria, did army burn houses. Killing of human being are generally bad, whether soldier or a civilian, it is bad. NEPOTISM COUSES HAVOC.

  16. Baba Waleeeeeee……kilode? You are old enough and experience to come out straight…..why stuttering, why being afraid to speak truth? Is Niger Delta different from the NORTH or our brothers and sisters killed daily in the NORTH/CENTRAL are not important?

  17. And the peaceful protest in Lagos that lead to black night, no one claimed responsibility. Seems we’re all entangled in situations rather than looking from outside any situation.

    Nigerian youths we know don’t and won’t tamper with soldiers.

    Keep getting distracted by all their dramas… FX/Subsidy/Hardship…. Still widely unresolved

  18. I am shock tha the gentleman is everytime analysing issues on opposite line , is he just pretendind to keep his job, or becausa he is afraid of his life, while he work for Tvc , Tinubu company, i there was no peace mission ,that is Nigerian press language to brainwash the citizens, to believe their lies, they were there to protect the intrest of a high rankiing personality in the country who is in illegal oil bunkering , so business as usual went wrong, every day for the thief, but one day for the owner of the oil land


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