CSU Certificate Saga: Stop This Madness Now – Olisa Agbakoba


Constitutional lawyer and former President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Olisa Agbakoba (SAN) says cessation of discussions on President Bola Tinubu’s Chicago State University certificate saga will do Nigeria a lot of good in the global public space.

According to the Senior Lawyer, out of respect for the Supreme Court, it is important for lawyers and other commentators discussing the issue in the media to stop their fireworks and await the apex Court of the land to rule on the matter.

Agbakoba said in a statement released Monday that; “The cacophony of discordant voices on Tinubu/Atiku over the certificate matter is completely out of hand. This utter nonsense from arm chair lawyers is heating up Nigeria dangerously.

“Please, can we keep our opinions and views to ourselves awaiting a decision of the Supreme Court? I am so ashamed to see Lawyers on Television arguing one way or the other on the merits or demerits of the Chicago State University matter. This is most unhelpful! I call out all media that tolerate this nonsense of adjudicating the CSU matter on TV and Newspapers.”

Calling on the NBA to intervene and charge members to be more circumspect in their utterances and professional behaviour, the Human rights lawyer said; “I urge the President of the Nigerian Bar Association to call out lawyers that breach rules of ethics by turning the media into a Court of Law.”

“Can we please stop heating up our country! Let us allow the Supreme Court of Nigeria to make a judicial pronouncement that is binding on us all! This public nonsense must stop”

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