Concentrate on your religious callings, stop castigating Zion Ministry General Overseer, says Chief Kalu – Opinion Nigeria


Pastors have been advised to stop castigating each other publicly and concentrate on their various religious callings. this advice was given by Chief Emeka Kalu, CEO, Eck Foundation while speaking on the current social media attack on Pastor Ebuka Obi of Zion Ministry by fellow pastors.

Chief Kalu said : ” I am worried as  to why some men of God would go to the extent of sponsoring malicious , unfounded and envious attack on their fellow servants in the vineyard simply to bring him down. The body of Christ as professed by Christian faithful is on daily basis being chided, ridiculed and profaned not that the Messiah’s message to mankind was corrupt but due to inter personal wrangling unnecessarily brewing up amongst the  leaders of  churches” .

According to him , it is mainly people  of the same Igbo extraction as  Ebuka that are being used to carry out  this nefarious acts of unreasonably castigating and cyber bullying their own brother . .  “Across the social media, all the prank contents and other real stories about pastoral deficiency, native doctors and their lines of activities are seen to be  Igbo brothers and sisters attacking themselves . As a herbalist who believes in traditional spirituality, you are free to market yourself to the public without hurting others and talking them down ; as a servant in the vineyard of God”

“Good enough you preach the words without enviously polluting the Christiandom .  We have prominent Preachers from the Western Nigeria who flock large  congregations in the world but they never rise to insult, lampoon or attack themselves rather they prostrate to honour them as mentors of excellence . This quickly reminds me of  the same challenges our people encounter in working to succeed in national politics . I besiege you all to embrace peace  and let’s  work to be our brothers’  keepers  not their  killers” , Chief Kalu advised. . 

“It is a mark of immaturity that  those who  claim to be children of God   are busy ruthlessly attacking themselves , thereby ridiculing and downgrading  the  body of Christ . I never support any Pastor or Priest who intentionally  engage in deceptive prophecy to mislead the public into believing that God is using him/ her and those who have been engaging in these  spiritual errors are advised to stop henceforth and repent , else , the anger of God will surely hit them . Also those who have made themselves agents of wickedly ganging up to frame their  fellow men of God simply to scatter their congregation is sure to meet their waterloo when heavens opens their sin books .

Judgement is of the Lord”.

The CEO, of Eck Foundation also said he believes that Pastor Ebuka  is simply being envied  by those who see that his Ministry is rapidly growing and other sects of morally polluted persons who on the other hands see his evangelical operations as a threat to their dark missions on humanity.

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