Commuters, students stranded as tricycle riders embark on strike in Yobe


In a bid to address the ongoing maltreatment and excessive fines imposed by the Yobe State Road Traffic Agency (YOROTA), tricycle riders, commonly known as (Keke Napep) operators have embarked a strike action in Damaturu.

The operators claim that their members have been subjected to high levels of harassment by YOROTA personnel, who also charge exorbitant fines for minor traffic offences.

Members of the Keke Napep association, who spoke to journalists in Damaturu, expressed their frustration over the situation.
They highlighted the unjust treatment they face and the financial burden imposed on them by YOROTA.

Blueprint observed that as a result of this strike action, commuters, including students, civil servants, school children and the general public, have been severely affected.
Many of them were forced to walk long distances to reach their destinations.

The strike has had a detrimental effect on local businesses and schools, especially for those located far from their employees’ or students’ residences.

Residents who spoke with our reporter called on the state government to intervene and provide immediate alternative measures to alleviate the hardships faced by commuters and businesses.

Meanwhile, efforts to contact the YOROTA agency for their perspective were unsuccessful, as multiple phone calls went unanswered at the time of writing this report.

UNI Agric Markurdi
Blueprint Whatsapp

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