Coastal Highway: Demolition Of Structures Could Affect $200m Investments, 1M Jobs – Obi


Peter Obi believes the demolition of structures by the Federal Government for the right of way for the construction of the Lagos-Calabar Highway could put over $200 million investments and 100,000 jobs under threat.

In his X platform yesterday, the erstwhile Anambra State governor said the leisure and hospitality sector could be the most affected. “Over 80 small businesses are threatened with 4,000 mostly youth employees imminently out of jobs,” he added.

The Labour Party (LP) candidate in last year’s presidential election asked why the government decided to execute “a joblosing project” “at a time when unemployment is ravaging the country”.

According to him, the demolition of people’s livelihoods, lifetime investments and age-long habitations is insensitive and heart-wrenching.

Obi said: “The economic losses in view only have to do with the first few kilometres in the Lagos end. But the 700 km of this road will traverse rural areas where those to be affected have neither voice, power, or influence to press their rights.

“This hasty flag-off is in utter defiance of widespread outcry by the public, especially business and property owners whose investments are directly affected by this project.

“No one knows the outcry that I’ll herald this project as it progresses towards poor rural landscapes.” He maintained that the coastal highway is not what the country needs now.

Obi said: “Poverty is spreading by the day. Hunger has recently become centre stage among the things that trouble the majority of Nigerians. The basic necessities of life are now beyond the reach of most Nigerians.

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