Budget Padding: Presidency carpets Senator, says budget not padded


“We don’t expect a ranking Senator not to pay due attention to details before making wild claims.”

Following the claims made by Senator Abdul Ningi, (PDP, Bauchi Central), that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led Federal Government is operating two versions of the 2024 budget, the presidency has replied by saying there is no truth whatsoever in the allegation.

Acting under the banner of the Northern Senators Forum, Senator Ningi, claimed in an interview he granted BBC Hausa Service, that the National Assembly debated and passed N25 Trillion as the 2024 budget and not the N28.7 Trillion that is being implemented by the Federal Government.

In its response via a statement by Bayo Onanuga Special Adviser to the President on Information & Strategy, President Tinubu on November 29, 2023, presented a budget of N27.5 Trillion to the joint session of the National Assembly made up of N9.92 Trillion recurrent expenditure, Debt Service N8.25 Trillion and Capital Expenditure N8.7 Trillion and not a budget of N25 Trillion.

“Contrary to the strange view expressed by Senator Ningi, there was no way the Senate could have debated and passed a N25 Trillion budget that was not presented to the National Assembly.

“We don’t expect a ranking Senator not to pay due attention to details before making wild claims,”  the statement read.

Onanuga added that the budget President Tinubu signed into law on January 1, 2024, as passed by the National Assembly was N28.7 Trillion. The National Assembly, in its wisdom, increased the amount proposed by the Executive by N1.2 Trillion.

“In the spirit of democracy which allows give and take, President Tinubu didn’t withhold his assent to the Appropriation Bill as passed by the National Assembly. We want to stress that if the budget figure was increased and made to be different from what the Executive proposed, it was the National Assembly that jacked it up in the exercise of its power of appropriation.

“On the uncharitable claim that the 2024 budget was anti-North, we found such position as canvassed by Senator Ningi as too far-fetched and unbecoming of a leader of his status,” he said.

According to him, the President is leading a government that is fair and equitable to every part and segment of Nigeria. In terms of funding, distribution of capital and priority projects, the 2024 Appropriation Act was not skewed against any section of the country.

“The North as an integral part of the country is well covered in all areas, from security to agriculture, healthcare to education, and other important infrastructure such as roads, rail, dams, power and irrigation projects to support all year-round agriculture.

“It is concerning that a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria can employ such primordial antics to fuel divisive rhetoric at a time well-meaning Nigerians are joining hands with President Tinubu to raise the spirit of national cohesion, unity and inclusive politics,” the statement read.

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