Boundless ✦ Deep Delta 2Hz ✦ 528Hz Tuning ✦ Binaural Beats Soundscape ✦ Deep Healing Sleep


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This ambient, deep sleep soundscape uses a 2 Hz binaural beat and is tuned to C528/A444.
The lowest frequencies, delta waves are less than 4 Hz and occur in deep sleep. Delta waves are increased in order to decrease our awareness of the physical world and access information in our unconscious mind. One way to look at Delta is to imagine you are driving in a car and you shift into 1st gear….you’re not going to get anywhere very fast. So Delta would represent 1st gear.

Delta subjective feeling states: deep, dreamless sleep, non-REM sleep, trance, unconscious

#528Hz #RelaxingMusic #CalmingMusic #MeditationMusic #HealingMusic


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Mettaverse music is creating healing music and soundscapes for all walks of life. Sound is soul, it calls you to remember your natural state: one of peace, relaxation, better sleep, creative flow, focus, and inner peace.

Metta-verse is a vision of reality directly connected to the heart and soul of what makes us human beings, what brings us all together. “Metta” is a term in Pāli meaning unconditional loving kindness, a love directly from the cosmic spark deep inside your soul. Mettaverse started as a vision of one man, using music as a universal language, simply to bring people together. Resonating as one heart, as one love. Always, here and now.

May this music bring you peace, healing, and happiness. 💜


More great music 🔊
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► The Psychedelic Muse:
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🖖 Sound frequency and music therapy are wonderful and effective healing modalities, however they are not intended to fully replace professional medical or counseling advice. If you are experiencing a mental or physical illness, always seek help from a trusted therapist or doctor.

Copyright Mettaverse, LLC.



  1. Al principio trate de relajar y sentí una bola de energía acumulada en mi pecho, la veo en mi mente como un pequeño sol inestable , saltando de su órbita …al cabo de un rato asimilando este escenario me di cuenta que no era propiamente una energía saludable ….si no el resultado de muchos pensamientos repetitivos, escenarios imaginarios y recuerdos medianamente suprimidos, me di cuenta que la mayoría del tiempo tengo ataques de ansiedad y los normalice … Canalizando la inestabilidad en mi trabajo o en cualquier labor, la única manera entonces de liberar este sol es respirando …inspirar y exalar … Tomar un pedazo de esa energía y dejar flotar fuera de mi cómo humo negro dicipandoce en el aire…sentí calma por un momento hasta que note la presencia de algo más, un sonido ensordecedor, un ormigueo en los huesos un flashback listo para entender de seco que no todo estaría bien … Tristeza.
    Soledad .
    Amargura .
    Traición .
    Es increíble tener una herida tan grande y no estar sangrando seguir respirando y poder sonreír.
    Ahora comprendo como es estar muerto en vida.

    Solo escribí lo que siento
    Me hace sentir un poco mejor

  2. Today I was using this binaural meditation audio and experiencing a deep sense of stillness and oneness. Then YouTube started to play advertisements twice. I'm sure you can imagine what a negative impact these had on my meditation. Whoever was responsible for this, shame on you. These ads should be presented before the meditation audio begins and should never, ever be forced into the middle of an incredible life enhancement as one connects with the divinity of the universe.

  3. If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique, you can face anything in your life, you have the strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone, you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by these positive vibes and live your life to the fullest.

  4. FYI. I listened to this from 0400 for one hour until I wentback to sleep. My bedroom window is wide open because its actually hot in Britain. I was woken up by the noise from the rain with an overwhelming and lasting smell of stale urine. I'm not of that age and disability for self damage.

  5. Delta frequency is a warning do not listen to it. This will put out demonic entities into your life. You should be only listening to 432 hertz I know it sounds crazy but it’s the same frequency they’re putting in the polls on those ones they installed a couple years ago with the big white boxes around it. It also is putting out that same frequency to bring out demonic entities into your life.


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