Betta Edu’s suspension a welcome development – Peter Obi


The Labour Party presidential candidate, Peter Obi has applauded the suspension of the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Dr. Betta Edu, and subsequent directives for her investigation.

The former Anambra state governor in a statement via his official social media handles said, “ while the action of the government is a welcome development, the investigation must be comprehensive so that all those culpable are brought to book.

“The suspension of the Minister should not be a window-dressing action but should be a peg to get at all those who are deserving of blame and punished just like the Minister. By a sad coincidence, the alleged fraudulent diversion of N585 million of public money by Ms. Edu broke almost at the same moment that the Minister who held the same portfolio in the last administration is being investigated for a whopping N37bn misappropriation.”

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