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  1. Unfortunate but they all voted PMB because of tribal sentiment. They all have an opportunity to make a better choice otherwise it will be another 8 years of nightmares

  2. All this is happening but all islamic clerics are busy telling Muslims not to vote Peter Obi because he is an enemy of their religion and I ask them who is then the friend of their religion maybe the bandits/terrorists or the present president? It's really painful that pple who preach religion never ask themselves who then created the non Muslims if they said that Allah created all things.

  3. You people voted him into power. Now you are feeling it. One person should look for that man that trekked from Lagos to Abuja on foot in order to support buhari. Let him come and trek again

  4. There is an Anomaly here. On the one hand, Billions of Naira is being wasted on fancy cars next door in Niger Republic😳Nigeria console yourselves by praying for sane leaders.

  5. If not for the ESN in the SE and Amotekun in the SW,this would have been exactly what Buhari and his fulani brothers in his govt planned to turn the whole Nigeria into but their plans now has been thwarted by the Southerners.

  6. When some say they are too loyal to their party, then they will continue to pay the price for supporting Apc and pdp, but what Nigeria needs today is a system that can create job opportunities and bring in foreign investors neither tinubu or Atiku can do that, they are after their personal and selfish Ambition,

  7. Yet your president buhari is busy equipping Niger rebuplic instead..Those ten Toyota landcruisers he bought Niger republic would have protected you if they were deployed by the Nigerian police on the roads of katsina at least instead of Niger..

  8. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    Philippians 2:9‭-‬11 KJV

  9. It's obvious the Fulani youth are on rampage all over the place;sign of a distressed tribe and facing extinction, by the time the system changes it for them.The deeper their elite class dig into Bayelsa oil,the more endangered their youth become.A forsaken youth group without any legitimate means of livelihood.It's a food for thought.In this life one can never be too smart.Their leaders have succeeded in capturing the Nigerian State, replaced the Constitution and lost their tribe and infact, their region.Meanwhile,the Naira is has nose-dived.

  10. Fellow Nigerians, take a look at the background of this video, shot in Katsina State. Is it not lush GREEN GRASS you see? Who said desert encroachment is forcing cow owners to look for green grass in Southern Nigeria? Even here in Katsina State, there is green grass for Cows. So don't tell the South that all you have is desert because that is a LIE. So, we don't want any COW GRAZING IN THE SOUTH.

  11. People from other parts of the contraption called Nigeria should not bothered about the attacks in any part of the North West and North East because the calamity was brought to the whole country by lifeless jihadist illiterate mumu Muhammad Buhari the breeding maniquine from daura who is helping out with the extinction of the contraption called Nigeria

  12. 2023 it Peter Obi or no other ooooo…. Since APC keep putting blames on past administration. Why are they coming back? APC is the most foolish political party we have had.

  13. Katsina Nigeria: what happened to the whole of Nigeria , My father was a chemistry teacher in Katsina teacher's college Katsina from 1974 – 1983 ,it was one of the best place I have spent my childhood there people were so cooperative I can't express I would love to visit this place once more IA live from Pakistan


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