Atiku and Obi attack Tinubu on insecurity


Opposition candidates, Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi, separately attack President Bola Tinubu for allowing insecurity to fester in Nigeria.

Both candidates separately took to their popular X (formerly Twitter) pages to express displeasure over recent kidnappings and killings.

While Obi sounded a bit conciliatory, Atiku did not pull punches, calling the ruling APC a failure.

“The APC-controlled government has failed woefully to give the people the basic things expected of a responsive government,” Atiku wrote.

“It is a clear manifestation of the failure of governance.” The government continues to play the ostrich while the nation is in turmoil, he said

Both leaders were reacting to news of an incredible kidnap of over 200 students in Kaduna State. This is reminiscent of the 14 April 2014 kidnapping of Chibok girls.

On his part, Obi asked the people to pray and government to do its best to rescue the abducted students.

Government must “ensure that every Nigerian child can pursue their dreams and aspirations in a safe and secure nation.”

In a previous post, Obi worried that attacks on innocent citizens have become a daily occurrence.

“More worrisome is that these attacks now occur almost daily.

“We must not allow our dear nation to continue on this dangerous slide into anarchy.

Obi expressed shock that bandits force Northern farmers to pay protection fees of up to N100,000 to farm without molestation.

“These are happening at a time when we need more hands on the farms to enable us to produce enough foods for local consumption, stem the galloping food inflation, and build a productive economy and nation for ourselves.”

Atiku urged security agencies to save innocent citizens “from the horrors of banditry and terrorism.”

He condemned what appeared to him as indifference from the government. He accused the government of “making empty rhetoric about reforms” while neglecting the weak and vulnerable.

The authorities do nothing as bandits abduct, kill or conscript youths into the army of the terrorists. He also wrote about women and girls “ravished and subjected to different forms of gender-based violence.”

The Tinubu administration is negating its constitutional duty to protect citizens and secure their welfare, Atiku said.

Atiku and Obi attack Tinubu over insecurity in Nigeria

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