Astral | Deep Theta 4Hz | Binaural Beats Soundscape | Internal Focus, Meditation, Prayer | ASMR


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This ambient meditative soundscape includes 4Hz Theta Binaural Beats. The theta brainwave has a frequency of 4Hz to 8Hz and is classed as “slow” activity. It is often connected with creativity, intuition, and daydreaming, and is a repository for memories, emotions, sensations. Theta waves are strong during internal focus, meditation, prayer, and spiritual awareness. It reflects the state between wakefulness and sleep, or the hypnagogic state, and relates to the subconscious mind.

Subjective feeling states: intuitive, creative, recall, fantasy, imagery, creative, dreamlike, switching thoughts, drowsy; “oneness”, “knowing”, lucid dreaming
Associated tasks & behaviors: creative, intuitive; but may also be distracted, unfocused
Physiological correlates: healing, integration of mind/body

#4Hz #ASMR #RelaxingMusic #CalmingMusic #MeditationMusic #healingmusic


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Mettaverse music is creating healing music and soundscapes for all walks of life. Sound is soul, it calls you to remember your natural state: one of peace, relaxation, better sleep, creative flow, focus, and inner peace.

Metta-verse is a vision of reality directly connected to the heart and soul of what makes us human beings, what brings us all together. “Metta” is a term in Pāli meaning unconditional loving kindness, a love directly from the cosmic spark deep inside your soul. Mettaverse started as a vision of one man, using music as a universal language, simply to bring people together. Resonating as one heart, as one love. Always, here and now.

May this music bring you peace, healing, and happiness. 💜


More great music 🔊
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🖖 Sound frequency and music therapy are wonderful and effective healing modalities, however they are not intended to fully replace professional medical or counseling advice. If you are experiencing a mental or physical illness, always seek help from a trusted therapist or doctor.

Copyright Mettaverse, LLC.



  1. To everyone who's reading this,😘😘😘 I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏❤❤❤

  2. This was truly an incredible experience. I started meditating but looking up towards my third eye & the feeling was so relaxing, I took deep breaths in between and held my breath in periodically. I felt healing in my body, I also felt tingling but I knew the difference between the two. I didn’t want to come out of meditation because it felt so incredibly comforting. I called on my spirit guides and Guardian Angels to help me through. I somehow truly know that everything is always working out for me & I believe it! I feel it.
    When coming out of my meditation I could see the time (clock) in my room even though in was pretty dark, i turned the light on & it was exactly what I saw with the light off . Such an amazing experience to go within yourself. I can’t wait to do it all over again…

    Just sharing my experience.

  3. Pai, Mãe, Amigo e Bem-Amado Deus.

    Que a pronunciação incessante e silenciosa do Teu Sagrado nome, conduza-nos à Tua semelhança.

    Inspira-nos, para que a nossa adoração as coisas materiais, se transforme em adoração à Ti.

    Que através da pureza de nossos corações, possa Teu reino de perfeição vir à terra e liberar todas as nações do sofrimento.

    Que a nossa vontade se torne mais forte ao vencer os desejos mundanos e sintonize-se afinal com Tua vontade perfeita.

    Dá-nos o pão de cada dia, alimento, saúde e prosperidade para o corpo; eficiência para a mente e sobretudo, Teu amor e sabedoria para a alma.

    É tua lei que diz: “Com a mesma medida com que medirdes, também vos medirão”.

    Que possamos perdoar aqueles que nos ofendem, sempre atentos à nossa própria necessidade de Tua imerecida misericórdia.

    Não nos abandones no abismo das tentações em que caímos, pelo mal uso que temos feito da razão que nos concedeste.

    E quando for Tua vontade submeter-nos à prova, oh Espírito, permite-nos compreender que Tu és muito mais fascinante do que qualquer tentação terrena.

    Ajuda-nos a livrar-nos das tenebrosas cadeias do nosso único mal: não conhecer-Te.

    Porque Teu é o Reino, o Poder e a Glória pelos séculos e séculos.

    Amém! 🖖 🙏🙏 אָמֵן 🙏 🖖 autor: PY 🙏🙏

    Pai, Mãe, Amigo e Bem-Amado Deus.

    Que a pronunciação incessante e silenciosa do Teu Sagrado nome, conduza-nos à Tua semelhança.

    Inspira-nos, para que a nossa adoração as coisas materiais, se transforme em adoração à Ti.

    Que através da pureza de nossos corações, possa Teu reino de perfeição vir à terra e liberar todas as nações do sofrimento.

    Que a nossa vontade se torne mais forte ao vencer os desejos mundanos e sintonize-se afinal com Tua vontade perfeita.

    Dá-nos o pão de cada dia, alimento, saúde e prosperidade para o corpo; eficiência para a mente e sobretudo, Teu amor e sabedoria para a alma.

    É tua lei que diz: “Com a mesma medida com que medirdes, também vos medirão”.

    Que possamos perdoar aqueles que nos ofendem, sempre atentos à nossa própria necessidade de Tua imerecida misericórdia.

    Não nos abandones no abismo das tentações em que caímos, pelo mal uso que temos feito da razão que nos concedeste.

    E quando for Tua vontade submeter-nos à prova, oh Espírito, permite-nos compreender que Tu és muito mais fascinante do que qualquer tentação terrena.

    Ajuda-nos a livrar-nos das tenebrosas cadeias do nosso único mal: não conhecer-Te.

    Porque Teu é o Reino, o Poder e a Glória pelos séculos e séculos.

    Amém! 🖖 🙏🙏 אָמֵן 🙏 🖖 autor: PY 🙏🙏

  4. Theta. It does not refer to a house with nothing in it but sometimes it might. It pertains to the existence of things far beyond our reach and out of our control. The Universe is bigger than you think. The concept of everything – is much BIGGER than the entire universe. The universe is rather small although its expansive size seems greater than our understanding and knowledge…

  5. Comecei hoje a ouvir essa frequência durante o meu sono e percebi que o meu humor e astral esta muito melhor , e o meu corpo deu indícios de espurgo…tratando de causa intestinal …🤭…to me sentindo mais leve de todas as formas 😅 …gente é sério isso! 😊

  6. To whom ever is reading this, may you see yourself as a beautiful spiritual being. May you find the peace, love & balance that you are looking for. Blessings to all🙏🏽❤️



    HE WAS HUSBAND OF 33 years I gave everything he did not— left me with NO LIFE INSURANCE NO WILL AND IN PROBATE

    DO NOT USE Quinn Quinn No Way

  8. Whilst using this amazing theta frequency take an A4 paper and pen .Draw a like down the middle.On the left side write down your desired positive belief or affirmation you wish to become true.Begim by writing this sentence and in the right hand side write what comes up automatically Keep repeating the positive and let the subconscious opposition to this come up until you experience a real shift in the subconscious reaction until an unconscious acceptance and agreement is formed.Then from moment on keep writing feeling reading the positive affirmation..and it will become your reality.This is very simple yet deeply transformative.Great to clear blocks on a deep subconscious level and this getting on the right side of the subconscious powerhouse we possess…This music will help you go deep faster ….

  9. Im new to this and it seems like most videos here does not work like they are slightly off the correct frequency. This is the only one i found so far that works with headphones and speakers, is resonate so good my whole living room is vibrating.


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