Comments on: Anambra State, Nigeria: Onitsha city of commerce and culture There is Good in Nigeria. Wed, 31 May 2023 06:19:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: So Wed, 31 May 2023 06:19:54 +0000 The city is neglected and not maintained at all. The same is true for all Nigerian cities.
Here is my suggestion:
citizens should reallocate the time they spend in churches and mosques to instead clean up their city and not waste it on worshipping the white man's God and the Arab man's God. This is essentially a self-imposed slavery.

By: Arinze Davatino Tue, 30 May 2023 22:25:42 +0000 Spend more time talking instead of describing what people are viewing.

By: Evaristus4821 Tue, 30 May 2023 19:50:00 +0000 OMG. Why the fuck don't you people clean your streets? Its not that difficult or expensive. All you have to do is purchase about 20 large Street cleaning trucks, and put them to work at midnight like they do here in the US. Look at all the sand buildup that has swallowed up the streets. I see this nonsense every time some Nigerian youtuber showcases how "great" their city is, but most of the time they look like shit holes.
1. Bad roads covered with sand.
2. Open gutters and no provision for sidewalks. They don't even bother to cover up the gutters and create sidewalks for pedestrians.
3. No visible public transportation system such as City Buses. Public transportation is reduced to riding motorcycles and tricycles.
4. No Sidewalks. Pedestrians are forced to share the road with vehicles.
5. A lack of basic amenities and services like Police Stations, Fire departments, Hospitals, Clinics, Water treatment plants, Power Generating plants and sewage treatment plants.
6. No visible downtown commercial district with high rise office buildings, Hotels, banks etc
7. No parks, Zoos, playgrounds or green spaces for relaxation and recreation.
8. A complete absence of a Grid Pattern City Planning. A grid pattern design is vital for services to be effective.
All these things I mentioned above are vital before you can claim to be "a city of commerce and culture"
Onitsha and Nigeria in general is so far behind, and it will take many decades to catch up with the rest of the world.

By: Ijeoma Duru Thu, 25 May 2023 23:07:26 +0000 <br>Here i am now in Scotland 😅 what a life.<br>Thank you for this post, I’m definitely coming back to invest in this town, I love it, it’s peaceful and natural.<br>We lived at Nkisi road, GRA]]> Ohh my God, i don’t know how i stumbled across your post.
I grew up partially here, went to QRC ohh my memorable childhood city ❤
Here i am now in Scotland 😅 what a life.
Thank you for this post, I’m definitely coming back to invest in this town, I love it, it’s peaceful and natural.
We lived at Nkisi road, GRA

By: Francis Mon, 22 May 2023 12:42:26 +0000 So, with the best school Onitsha has and the biggest market with commerce industry, is that the best it can do with open gutters all along the streets? You barely see blooming trees along the main streets and the dusty sand all along the main streets. I don't think you can wear a business white shirt for more than two hours without washing it. For our ancestors sake, can the the local governments do something. Onitsha could attract more businesses if they fix all these issues. Also, they should get ride of all the old shack kiosks.

By: Tori Jaja Mon, 22 May 2023 00:48:51 +0000 ❤]]> Very informing and educating.. Thanks for your precious time putting it together.. God bless 👍❤️

By: Ignatius Valdino Sun, 21 May 2023 16:05:31 +0000 Wonderful

By: Giek Gulp Sun, 21 May 2023 09:57:20 +0000 Britain must thread carefully so that it will in the Declaration not be like King Saul v David?
Thy will be done today
TO receive blessings tomorrow & Ever lasting GRACE.AMEN.
We can not be in sins & in the expectation ask for abundant blessings.
Time to change.
Ask but shall not receive.
Hang on/whose daughter was cursed that never received the fruits of the womb . This is real,please.
Thanks Engr.G.Ajayi Snr as McKenzie 21/5/23

By: Giek Gulp Sun, 21 May 2023 09:47:34 +0000 Wao/
It's all happening.
Thanks Engr.G.Ajayi Snr as McKenzie 21/5/23

By: Giek Gulp Sun, 21 May 2023 09:13:40 +0000 Hi to all/
King Saul & his soldiers were FAST asleep/ sedated while little David implemented God's will?
Saul the king awoke just to see the God's handwriting on the wall?
What can the poor king Saul/his MEN do?
Thanks Engr.G.Ajayi Snr as McKenzie 21/5/23
