Amidst Governmental Tyranny, Freedom Jacob Caesar Unveils Himself as the Man in the Mask Behind the New Force


Seated amidst some of the greatest Pan-Africanists of all time in a Hotel conference room, Freedom Jacob Caesar unveiled himself as the man in the mask behind the New Force project, determined not to let the continued tyranny of the Ghanaian government derail his vision.

The planned Convention event slated for the Independence (or Black Star Square) on Sunday, January 7th 2023, had been cancelled at the last minute by some diabolic governmental machinations.

Having granted permission for the event as far back as November, the government of Ghana decided at the last moment to revoke the permit for the event.

The stunning move left Freedom Jacob Caesar and his team scrambling, but they quickly recovered, arranging a new press conference at the Bel Air Crest hotel.

Flanked by dignitaries such as Peter Obi from Nigeria and PLO Lumumba from Kenya, Freedom Jacob Caesar unveiled himself as the man behind the mask.

He said the convention was supposed to be an event to hear speeches from some great Africans such as the invited guests to conscientise the Ghanaian populace.

However, since it had been cancelled, he felt compelled to unveil himself as the man behind the mask.

“…If I’m the reason why the country or the government is not happy about these great voices coming to educate not only Ghana, but also Africa, then I take this moment to sacrifice myself, to unveil myself, because I have much respect for these great leaders beside me. I would have taken my own time to tell you that I am.

“But for this very moment, I am sacrificing myself to let you know that I’m that man,” Caesar said.

“…I’m that man with a good purpose, with a great vision. I have a plan, and I have a vision for this nation. And not only this nation, I have it for Africa too. But I know Africa is the next biggest thing because out of all the continents that have been developed in this world, there is only one continent that is not developed and I am sent to do that,” he said.

The abrupt cancellation of the event brought back memories of the abrupt deportation of Shalimar Abbiusi, a spokesperson for the New Force.

The movement, for some reason, is rattling cages amongst the political elite in the country, who appear determined to thwart its growth via any means.

“We write to revoke immediately the permission granted per our letter dated November 11th 2023 which approved your request to use the Black Star Square for the above event,” a letter from the government announcing the decision read.

“This decision has been necessitated by an unforseen State Event scheduled to take place at the venue,”

Peter Obi, speaking on the abrupt cancellation, bemoaned Africa’s corruption and lack of leadership.

Professor Lumumba lamented a “conspiracy by certain elements”.

The government refunded the New Force its deposit for the event but the clandestine means of attempting to handicap the movement appears to be making it stronger.

“I am nothing to be scared of,” Freedom Jacob Caesar assured the populace.

“I came to you as your salvation. I don’t invest in myself alone. I am investing in you,”

Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com


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