1. Honestly, I am impressed too, I didn't know Ilorin is such a developed city. This is why vlogging is good. One love Mr Iyke.
    Nne sorry about the experience, the last time I experienced something was in secondary school.

  2. Ilorin is beautiful,chai ndo nne , at least u wear pateli under and Hubby was with, have had such experience were i dey waka for road not knowing my period don stain πŸ˜‚ije uwa

  3. Sincerely sorry about your odd experience. Nice you were with your husband that helped out getting you a pair of jean. Nne those kind of stairs dey fear me pass

  4. Eyaa sorry for that embarrassment. I'm sure they have all forgotten the colour if at all they saw anything πŸ˜…
    Disappointment is one of those things.
    One love to your husband πŸ‘βœŒοΈ


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