Worse Than Hell: Dr. Mads Gilbert Decries Israeli Military Raid on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza


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The Israel military raid on Al-Shifa, the largest hospital in Gaza, where thousands of Palestinians are sheltering, is an “unprecedented attack on civilian society” in the “darkest time in modern history,” that is being justified in the West by “a deep-rooted and frightening racism,” says Dr. Mads Gilbert, who worked at Al-Shifa. “You don’t do these things to people you consider equal.” Dr. Gilbert is a Norwegian physician who just spent weeks in Cairo trying to enter Gaza to help his colleagues and has worked extensively in Palestine since 1981. “The civilian population of Gaza [have] done nothing wrong other than being born Palestinians in Gaza,” he says. “Israeli impunity has reached a new level, and we are all sinking into that abyss of disregard for human life.”

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  1. What's Dr. Gilbets take on the Russian aggression against Ukrainian civilians? I hope he will speak of this also in South Africa because the SA government supports Russia.

  2. Fun fact, hospitals are protected by international law. Until, it is used my military/milita forces, a thing Hamas has done. I recommend doing your research, find the reports from Isreal's defence force showing the tunnels and the many videos released by Hamas CLEARLY showing tunnels being used to conduct raids with rpg's, mortars and more. The unedited footage of the raid on the 7th of October clearly shows how Hamas is conducting itself.

  3. Let’s rewind: Hamas terrorists paraglided into a music festival and deliberately kidnapped civilians, to parade them around Gaza and brutally execute them publicly. They have stated that their intention is to commit genocide of Israel. Their manta is “we love death like our enemies love life.” They set up their headquarters under hospitals because they do care about civilians, including their own. They consider it an honor for people to die in war. It makes them martyrs. Israel has urged evacuation of the hospitals repeatedly and offered to help with such, such as sending incubators. Hamas refuses to protect the civilians. They are terrorists and they repeatedly and deliberately kill innocent people. Israel is fighting for its existence and videos like this exactly what Hamas wants. They want Israel to be viewed as evil when they themselves are evil. If Hamas wins, America will be next to be attacked. So much propaganda is supporting terrorists. Look at what happened with all of the recent buzz over young people ranting that they empathize with where Bin Laden was coming from on the 9/11 attacks. The propaganda is already being set up in the US as well.

  4. not a word about hamas-isis using the hospitals for military preposes.

    so this is one more "info video" in youtube that is really about hating jews and killing them.

    hate and lies, the way of islam!


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