Where are all the Women? #debate #charliekirk #breakingnews #college


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  1. Well, the “high value man,” as they like to call themselbves, contribute to making these women this way, but refuse to take accountability for it, and the “lesser value men,” unfortunately, hang on every word that the HVM says, so it is a vicious circle. Both, men and women, need to take accountability for this, but neither side does. Why not be a decent human being to one another, instead?

  2. 🙄 we won’t discuss the customer base (sex) of onlyfans ,,, we won’t discuss the men that sleep with these women that sleep around,,,
    Yes there are easy women plus there are men that will say absolutely anything to get between a woman’s legs ,,,
    It takes 2 to tango ….. easy women are prostitutes what are easy men called ? STUDS 🤷‍♀️
    This has always been an issue but men are continually praised for their body counts…..
    why is ok for men to gain sexual experience but not women ?

    Women say yes their sluts if they say no their frigid….

  3. Once upon a time, women fought to vote, work, and for equality just so this generation could whore themselves out so they don’t have to get a real job and even let men dress up and pretend to be women that are more important then real women.

  4. Charlie just blissfully ignoring that men created the demand for those women.

    Both men and women have been sleeping around for decades but we only defrade one side over the other.

    If men are as holy and as great as he thinks we are then only fans wouldnt have any business, and All women would be virgins until marriage.

    In reality though it has always been us, the men that push towards sex, one night stands, etc. Then we get butthurt when we get played.

  5. So I’m kind of a conservative values kind of guy and a gal I’m in a thing with right now she wants it to be open and says “well it can be one other partner it will probably happen down the road” also uses term like boring and it’s messed up because other than this she’s pretty cool and we get along but I know that when it comes to another partner being with her I’m probably going to stop seeing her because then it’ll be necessary for me to find someone else so it’s balanced out and I don’t feel like a third wheel or I’m sure the other person will men with the right amount of pride to me just wouldn’t get involved with something like that and obviously a part of me thinks well I’m good enough she won’t want someone else. I dunno I’m open to suggestions I know it’s gonna be to just leave her or just be friends and more than likely in the end that’s what it will be


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