Watch: House votes to oust Kevin McCarthy as speaker | NBC News


Watch live coverage as the House votes on the motion to vacate House Speaker Kevin McCarthy filed by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.

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Watch: House votes on motion to oust Kevin McCarthy as speaker | NBC News



  1. Democrats should never have backed up the 8 maga Treason caucas and ousted Kevin McCathy!! What a lame and petty thing to do!!! Look where we r now!!! Kevin pulled through and avoided the Government shutdown!!! So dems repay him that way!! They supported the 8 rabble rousers that wanted to shut Government down!! Now that's what we got, a Government sidelined!!! No votes on Ukraine!!! In 45 days u think they will have regrouped enough to have out Government back up running!???

  2. You keep buckling under because of your money who pays for your reelection if not the democrats, democrats want you agreeing with them not the American public, so the democrats hook that ring in your nose and pull you where they want, you’re a disgrace if you don’t do what the people want.

  3. I'm so sorry this happened to Mr. Mcarthy. He is a good man. With all the chaos our country is in, its going to take the hand of God to get things straightened out. We all have to unite and pray to God for Israel and America,and that the rightful President is placed back in office. God bless our country.

  4. No one in this room, both R & D take their job seriously. They act like this is “no big deal” let’s get rid of all of them and start over. Everyone in this room goes to prison!!!!

  5. Let’s pray and hope that while republicans are holding government by the balls and trump is terrorizing half the country with his maga morons who want to oppress fellow citizens and non citizens , that all their nonsense doesn’t catch America off guard to potential outside attacks but honestly at this point our own people are probably causing more harm and threat than any outsider could

  6. we do not deserve the country our forfathers fought for. We allowed these idiots to destroy anything good out of this country. Honestly we are no longer America. That dream is long gone with the looney toons in the congress and senate.

  7. Who noticed that since forever…. Its always.. always…a bunch of old bald…or white haired old men…who have that old ways of thinking!!!!… All of these congress people…only serve the wealthy corporations…and millionaire doners….these Congress people could care less about the voters who put them in those jobs!!!… its all lies…. Its just a show!!!… its been this way for many many years!!… they will let the government shut down!!!… they don't care…. A shutdown doesn't affect them!!!… they still get paid….they still hattheir health care!!!… they voted and let the people who put them in office.. suffer… And suffer!!!… one big deception is what this govt is!!!!.. always old whitemen!!!!… and people wonder what happened!!

  8. STHU and Pay the Bills. That's what needs to be done. Why Cry Over Spilled Milk? There is a time for everything and these issues should not be held over shutting the Country down…People have to feed their family's and put a roof over their heads. Congress will get their checks no matter what.

  9. Best thing they did. McCarthy is part of the corrupt Bush establishment. Notice how the RINO lowlifes are now pushing for McHenry. You know why? He's a team player the establishment. He worked under Bush. People in this country are so braindead, it's not even funny. The only choice is Jordan.


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