US State Dept. evacuating up to 800 Americans from Israel per day


As a ground invasion of Gaza appears imminent, the U.S. State Dept. is evacuating up to 800 Americans from Israel per day. #news #israel #israelnews #palestine #hamas #gaza



  1. World public now see know the Media , Media News is the Enemy of the World Nations All eagerly will hold Media complicid For Treason and Crimes against Humanity the World Public can see Clearly all Lies they have all data and streams Tribunals for World Crimes in Progress,Aliiance will have no remorse foolish Media World Public is A Giant now they have gathered, King of Kings is Here has all Power this is not Old Isreal Freinds Media spews Lies Have Become Demonic in everything they do and so will be thier fate as the world Watch their demise turned to Dust.

  2. These storms in Israel punishment of ALLAH after these crimes in Gaza Netanyahu Pharaoh to the Israelis to leave Israel to avoid death by these punishments of ALLAH lightnings tornadoes strong earthquake tsunami floods hurricane sandstorm war meteorites fires Covid -19 new virus October 16, 2023.

  3. The truth is they're evacuating Palestinians Israelis to the US as well .. I just interviewed at an airport and the security teams police etc roped off areas restricting media cameras from filming the masses of foreigners exiting commercial flights .
    It's not everyday u see thousands of Muslims outside a Uss airport?

    they said once DHS processes them they are issued paperwork and go to ngo orgs? I saw vans with Jewish family services & catholic charities names on them?
    How are they vetted properly this way?
    Why is it every time their is conflict with terrorist elements in hostile countries Biden and Blinken announce the US will take the terrorist elements into the US?
    First in Afghanistan… We all remember the young marines & soldiers died in Abby's Gate at the hands of afghan terrorists then Biden and Blinken fly 100,000 afghans out of Kabul Afghanistan to US military bases? Does this make sense to anyone?
    We see Palestinian Hamas flying in attacking Israelis then Biden said we stand with Israel condemning horrible acts of violence by Palestinians Hamas etc
    Biden then said they will take 250,000 Palestinians into USA
    Then I hear Republicans are fighting the evacuation?
    Does this make sense? Our govt sends U.S. troops to fight Palestine and then says let's import a quarter million Palestinians to USA? .
    We see NYC mayor Eric Adams and Hochul giving updates on the potential terrorist threats to synagogues??? Who are they referring to specifically?? What domestic terrorists? Who are they and where are they from?
    They said theyre putting NYPD officers on mandatory overtime and securing synagogues..
    So who are mayor Adams and gov Hochul worried about attacking synagogues exactly??? Where are they from? And regardless if nothing occurs shouldn't we be demanding our govt identify these elements they are worried about in the US?
    I remember a dude named Trump banning travel from terror prone nations? Nations documented terrorist activities… Trump said travel ban stays they're not coming to the
    Then Biden says let's bring in 250,000 people from a nation he's sending thousands of US troops
    Jet fighters
    to defend Israel against?

    During Vietnam did Nixon or any US president at the time say hey weve been at war for years against the Viet Cong let's go ahead and evacuate the Vietnamese to the US?

    Americas in trouble…
    Bidens handlers are having him lead America off a cliff

  4. You know you all talk about freaking Hamas sympathizing with all these people down there that hosted 5000 Rockets you can't tell me no one knew about it except the terrorist wrong you go putting bombs into a friendly country and a nice country you get the Wrath and you guys who stick up for Palestinians look at all of Mid-America All Over America how many people are we going to let into this country that are terrorists the answer is as many as they can ride Obama right Biden cuz what you have in store for America is more incomprehensible you want proof look at Maui next America will be having bombs in every city every state everywhere because of Obama and Biden has filled this country up with their friends

  5. "I oppose the war in [Gaza] because I love America. I speak out against it not in anger but with anxiety and sorrow in my heart, and above all with a passionate desire to see our beloved country stand as a moral example of the world."
    MLK, Jr. [modified for modern circumstances], Anti-War Conference, Los Angeles, California, February 26, 1967

  6. Lets relativize a little here…

    The fact that Israel heavily bombarbed Gaza and killed 2600 peoples / 2 mils in the most dense area in the world is impressive. It’s 0,11%.

    Up until 3 years of war in Iraq, US killed 900 Iraq civilians per day …. For 3 years!!!!

  7. Who started it? after years of peace? any country have a right to defend themselves but you are obviously clueless or with a skewed mindset. a
    Terrorists are evil like the Nazis and use their own brainwashed people such as the PLO as human shields..little pawns they care nothing about. Dream on if you think you have any clue… I say paybacks a bitch but any country has a right to go after a terrorist element hiding among sheep who do nothing but support them. are you a sexist Arab or merely young woke or ignorant, or all 3? The Palestinians would kill all the Jews if possibleand are therefore expendable as they are as bad as Hamas, Iran and Hesbollah This is a plot to screw up relations between Israel and less evil corrupt undemocratic countries in the Mideast. I believe in religious freedom .. anything else is BS. sorry but life ain't fair and can't be…


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