Comments on: Tucker Carlson 11/11/23 FULL | BREAKING NEWS TODAY November 11, 2023 There is Good in Nigeria. Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:10:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: 一个说话大声的中国人 Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:10:31 +0000 A war with China would solve all of America's problems.
So, buy your kids American made weapons and your kids won't be in any danger because Chinese made weapons don't work.
Believe American politicians and American media, because they only tell lies about Americans and tell the truth about China.

By: Duff Gordon Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:08:28 +0000 "we have not been concerned about our borders"??? Are you allowed to blame those DEMOCRATS as the guilty party, because the border is VERY VERY IMPORTANT_ to REPUBS He refuses to name BIDEN- "WE have depleted our oil reserves?" NO, BIDEN DID" You want these probs fixed/ SAY BIDEN ACTS LIKE A COMPROMISED PRESIDENT. WE, sir, IS NOT ACCURATE!~! I had to take Chinese medicine!! HE IS A COWARD!! WE, WE, WE !! no we all knew it was INSANE . But at least there is a very nice beach house in DELAWARE!!

By: Yang Jianguo Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:05:52 +0000 I think no one can arrest the POTUS …. until his term is over …. of course, he can be impeached but if the POTUS has a solid support from the Senate, then there is no way to impeach him at all.

By: Mike Sawyer Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:04:41 +0000 ]]> Senator Linsey Graham shut up!😊

By: Anne Bentley Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:03:09 +0000 Look at what Vietnam turned into!

By: Duff Gordon Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:02:26 +0000 THIS GUY ALWAYS WINS, because he never offers a viable way of WHAT SHOULD BE DONE- The Solution? Israel , for , the good of the world, makes it's own state no longer a country. AM I RIGHT?? Because if Israel was one mile by one mile these insane muslim cowards would not let it be..WHAT DOES IT TELL US THAT EGYPT WILL TAKE NO HAMAS!! Why doesn't he pressure for that.. His great mistake is ISRAEL's record in battle is "miraculous" and their wars are NOT long, and their soldiers are fighting FOR THEIR LAND!!

By: Brad Pitts Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:01:08 +0000 can only hope so.... Impeach Biden,, TRUMP 2024...]]> We all out here in America 🇺🇸 can only hope so…. Impeach Biden,, TRUMP 2024…

By: ☆consciencenessagainstthemachine☆ Sun, 12 Nov 2023 08:58:25 +0000 The world needs the truth and the respective justice

By: Duff Gordon Sun, 12 Nov 2023 08:54:48 +0000 ISRAEL is one of our true and important allies. Ukraine?? NO!!

By: Joe Boy Sun, 12 Nov 2023 08:49:57 +0000 OMG is this guy still spouting his hypiocritical rubbish. I am a Brit so no axe to gring but surely he has been proven to be a hypocrite who will say anything controversial to the gullible for money!
