Trump ordered to take the stand, fined by judge


Donald Trump has been fined $10,000 by a New York judge after appearing to reference a court clerk, in violation of a gag order. #CNN #News



  1. These are significant news events, and we need to pay attention. We are going into an election year; people must understand the issues, the people involved, our responsibilities, and our behaviors. To that end, once we see the end of the Trump trials, I want the wall-to-wall news coverage of all things Trump to cease. I am tired of the Trump show.

    Will News outlets continue to cover Trump because hate and bigotry bring in the ratings? Are Americans addicted to hearing about the latest in the worst of humanity?

    Perhaps I am alone with such thoughts. However, these are questions to ask ourselves if we are ever to release ourselves from the stress drug that is Trump. Sometimes, it is better not to click on some link or go to some website just because it may offer some juicy tidbits on something we have all heard before. Choose wisely and decide if the reality show will become our primary focus—just a thought.

  2. This is so evil trying to keep trump from running for president.these people are nothing but pure evil people.nazis. these people have to be kicked out of office.and crooked demcrap judges

  3. What if every indicted criminal go against the gag order as trump has now did twice, but you people keep bringing up the first amendment as if you the prosecutors court, and judges are scared cowards?

  4. But Democrap lawfare pedo, Jackazz Smith, is still free to leak at will to the far left mainstream media and to smear President Trump’s name and run hoaxes in the press. Commie News Network🇨🇳


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