Trump Jr. pivots blame on his experts in testimony


Donald Trump’s eldest son, Don Jr., testified in the New York civil fraud case against the family and their business, the Trump Organization. CNN’s Paula Reid reports. #CNN #News



  1. The bowling alley in Maine where so many died was a gun-free zone. If firearms had been present in that bowling alley—openly visible and in abundance—would that have made a difference?

    Has there ever been a successful mass killer attack at a gun show or a gun range?

    Without research, one can easily answer “tain’t necessarily so,” but anecdotal evidence, data, and common sense argue in favor of making guns more, not less, available to ordinary civilians.

    Note, too, that in the October 7 muslim Hamas massacre, all the Israeli victims were unarmed. The only ones who survived were those with guns. The celebrating teenagers at the rock concert were all unarmed. The babies were all unarmed before they were beheaded. The slaughtered families were all unarmed. After the massacre, the Israeli government rushed firearms to the survivors. A bit too late, don’t you think?

    When muslim terrorists made plans, did it assume “unarmed victims”? Might the attacks have gone differently if every rock concert celebrant had an AR15 slung on his shoulder and if every Israeli family had a Ruger & a Mossberg available.

    Is there a practical distinction between (a) a democrat society in which bearing arms is prohibited by law and (b) a society in which bearing arms is protected by law, but almost no one does it? Is that not a distinction without a difference? What if there were no gun-free zones and our law mandated the open carry of firearms everywhere? What would be the effect of that?

  2. With all of the proof of Bribery and money laundering within the Biden Administration, Why is CNN not covering any of these findings. Do I sense BIAS.
    The Democrats have been trying to find a crime in the Trump family for the last 7 years and have come up empty. This made up witch hunt will not be any different . Trump is squeaky clean and they know it.

  3. Speaker Johnson is demanding a release of all the Jan 6th video footage.
    The Party of Lies if stubbornly resisting. They don't want the truth to come out. For example, we now have video of FBI agent and instigator Ray Epps saying, "We're here to storm the capitol."


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