1. Interesting events foretold in the scriptures prophecies it isnt flesh and blood we battle. 3 and half years ago, they said you heard , PEACE AND SECURITY. WHATD THEY PRETEND TO DO TO THE COVENANTS ? OLD IE MOSES NEW IE CHRIST.

  2. Notice the Palestinians are terrorist why the Israeli are what? The Israelis are troops.
    Can you say bias reporting. Bias Reporting!
    And come on the attack was on a Saturday. Who were they expecting to see?
    Just do not believe the report. Why because if you know anything about campaign, such documents never go with the combat unit. Second, they were found by who? Israeli officials. We all know that is not true.

  3. Right. In their pockets with no dust no blood. Looks freshly printed. Wow people are stupid. Video exist of the clashes between Hanna’s and the Israeli government buildings and police building in serdot Not schools on a Saturday when no schools sessions on Saturday. Wow the ignorance of your readers and followers.

  4. 60 minutes the Secretary of State said in late 95 that murdersd 500,000 iraki children with the the sanctions is there any Kool-Aid here… fiveyears and under go to the same sanctions were for years after ..no numbers numbers.. what are the numbers from Bush 2..and Blair carpet bombing Baghdad for about six weeks starting March o 3 . Bagdad had their water and elec turned off..about2weeks afterwhen they first went

  5. Why are they targeting non service personnel. They be headed children they took people from a concert. It is just barbaric.. So afraid to fight real military. If they want to know why people are pro Israel this is y. God bless all those who have had to suffer these terrible losses.

  6. Creating 'Greater Israel' is a project that has been going on for a while and the events of the last week are simply a part of all that. There's what they call 'the greater good' and there's a very large timeline. Hamas was created BY ISRAEL to off-set Arafat's PLO. Obviously, Mossad knew what was coming.


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