Thousands sheltered in Gaza City's hospitals flee south


Israeli strikes hit near several hospitals in Gaza City early Friday as the military pushed deeper into dense urban neighborhoods in its battle with Hamas militants, prompting increasing numbers of civilians to flee toward the south of the besieged territory.

Israel has accused Hamas fighters of hiding in hospitals and using the Shifa Hospital complex as its main command center, which the militant group and hospital staff deny, saying Israel is creating a pretext to strike it.

Growing numbers of people have been living in and around Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s largest, hoping it will be safer than their homes or United Nations shelters in the north, several of which have been hit repeatedly. Israeli troops were around 2 miles from the hospital, according to its director.

Early Friday, Israel struck the Shifa courtyard and the obstetrics department, according to the head of the Hamas-run media office in Gaza, Salama Maarouf.

A video at the scene recorded the sound of incoming fire waking people up in their makeshift shelters in the courtyard, followed by screams for an ambulance.

Maarouf told the television network Al Jazeera that strikes were carried out near three hospitals in total, but gave no casualty figures. The Health Ministry in Hamas-run Gaza later said one person had been killed at Shifa Hospital and several were wounded.

Gaza’s largest city is the focus of Israel’s campaign to crush Hamas following its deadly Oct. 7 surprise incursion.

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  1. Jesus said; that's how you need to pray:
    Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew‬ 6‬.9‬-‭15‬

  2. 1. Defeated enemies leave you alone and may become friends.
    2. Unresolved conflicts fester forever, and innocents die.
    3. As Israel is decisively winning, once again we are doing everything possible to stop them. Why?
    4. The Israel-Palestine War is actually Muslims attacking Jews.

  3. 😮 Something's not right they're showing all these guys and people are saying they're having resistance but they're not showing anybody with guns shoot at nobody..😢 I don't see Gaza people shooting AT anyone

  4. Why are the cameras always zoomed up on a little 100 foot square area why don't they back the camera and let it see the whole square blocked something's not right the media's hiding something😮

  5. Zionist APARTHEID Israel is making itself the most hated country together forever with American imperialism on the planet. There is much CENSORSHIP of anti-war and anti-ZIONISM public opinion in " OUR democracy ". The prevailing ethos of the effete TWO PARTY SYSTEM In " OUR democracy " is PRO-MILITARISM, PRO-CAPITALISM, and always PRO-ZIONISM . Our Veterans Day honors WAR and MILITARISM while thousands of US combat veterans languish in horrid conditions in veterans hospitals. Many are mental and physical wrecks -even HOMELESS..Not much has changed since Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic wrote " Born on the Fourth of July ".
    What does FREEDOM even mean in a country of the ONE PERCENT plutocracy based on the exploitation and oppression and daily deception of the working class ?

  6. They had fooled us Americans and the whole world before and still keep on doing it since 1948. With the sad Palestine several crisis, massacres and tragedies and their self-inflicted 9-elvn false flag. Israel was illegally created above and on top of the sovereign nation of Palestine and occupied it illegally since 1948. The deceiving, evil, haters, lying, racists and terrorists of the International Zionism Colonialism and Globalism has and still have the Palestinian people living under their brutal controlled atrocious, demonic and satanic concentration camp call Palestine. And have, we the Americans' fools paying for their genocides and war crimes, for seventy-five long years. The true cause for WW2. Was for the creation of Israel, Sir. Winston Churchill.


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