Thousands of rockets fired as Hamas militants target Israel | ABC News


Thousands of rockets were fired Saturday morning as Hamas militants in Gaza targeted Israel, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to say “we are at war.”

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  1. All the deaths, all the damages , nobody wins. But there was no money to feed the hunger, there was no money to cure the sick , there was no money to build schools while one rocket cost $12 million

  2. thousands of rockets, if Israel successfully intercepts all these rockets with iron dome system. that will be too costly to sustain for both countries in conflict. no one wins. only destruction

  3. Abrahamic people fighting in the Holy Land, it will never end. And yet people believe the Pagans were bad, if the Pagans were around there wouldn't be death like this there.

    And for all those that will flood with replys saying that Pagans did human sacrifice and ate babies, that was told to you by Abrahamic people, it's literally propaganda and an attempt at breeding fear, superstition, and hatered. Almost every religion has stories about human sacrifice and cannibalism but that's one incident not something that was part of the beliefs for all, Ancient Religions were more flexible with their beliefs and less organized, the difference is they didn't go around torturing and murdering because others belived different.

    These so called peaceful religions have been in non-stop war since their founding, remember though, it was them who started it. It was them who through the first torch into a Temple full of innocents, sat it ablaze, and set off a neverending internal war between the Abrahamic peoples over stolen land they all believe they own


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