Suspect at large after multiple active shooter incidents in area of Lewiston, Maine, sheriff says


At least 16 people are dead in multiple shootings in Lewiston, Maine, Wednesday night, according to multiple law enforcement sources. Dozens are injured in the incidents, though it’s unclear how many are injured due to gunfire, the sources told CNN. CNN’s Athena Jones and Chief Law Enforcement and Intelligence Analyst John Miller report. #CNN #News



  1. I find it despicable to have a doctor from Norway to "challenge" Israel to show proof that Hamas was responsible for the Palestinian hospital bombings!?? He quoted that he worked there for years and never saw any Terrorist activity in those hospitals. Funny thing is that he offered to take down to the Gaza Strip 5 remote ICU units with all the personnel and was denied by all five and that isn't if that isn't suspect what is they're not letting him go because he'll get the proof of if he goes down to he'll see that they are using the civilians as shields !!! THE PALESTINIANS HAVE TO DENOUNCE HAMAS AND STOP USING MILLIONS THAT ARE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND STOP USING THE MONEY FOR BUYING WEAPONS!!!!!

  2. I want the freedom of Palestine, I want the freedom of Palestine, please, please, please.

    We are Muslims – we are the beloved ummah of Allah's Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), we are a peaceful nation, we are ideal-oriented Muslims, we do not oppress anyone, and if someone oppresses us, we are the first to be patient, when our backs are against the wall – then all Muslim brothers We are fond of teaching shoulder to shoulder and living under one roof with common people of other religions and sharing a plate of food with them equally. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave us.

    Therefore, I request to all the world leaders of the world, please stop the genocide of Palestine, if Israel goes against you, then stop all communication and trade with them.

    But with the power of Allah, everything will be destroyed.

    Md. Zakir Faraji, Senior Vice President, Zaker Party Student Front, Barisal, Bangladesh,

  3. The shooter had an mental intervention placed upon him and someone released him back into society. Same Democrat policy of releasing those arrested for crimes. Who is really responsible here? The ones who are calling for a gun ban are the ones who are causing the problem. It's like this is their plan to get the guns.

  4. I’ll give y’all an update.
    So, I actually live in Lewiston Maine and the whole community has hit an awful heartbreak.
    It was 7:00PM at night when we heard this on the news. We were told there was an active shooter at the bowling alley (Spare Time) and another shooter at the Bar and Grill. We all then got notified to stay in our homes and low to the ground with our lights off and to stay quiet. Basically meaning under lockdown. I stayed up till midnight and got literally no sleep. Later next day we were told from the news, that Robert Card (The shooter) is still on the loose and we were still under lockdown. I live on a pretty busy street and I saw no cars AT ALL!😢
    We were also informed that 18 people were confirmed dead and 13 injured. (This may get emotional) When.. they were saying the names of the people who died.. I..I knew one of them.. her name was Tricia Asseln. B..but she’s in a better place now!❤
    It’s really hard to keep living our normal lives when this tragedy has hit us all really bad. I’m asking everyone to pray for us all.
    Of course now, when I’m texting this, the shooter was found dead due to suicide the next morning. We are all ok now and we are all safe, thankfully. My heart goes out to the victims’ family’s and friends. My heart also goes out to Robert Card’s family as well.



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