Stunning choosing a Speaker is taking so long! #news #breakingnews


The process of choosing a Speaker of the House shouldn’t be like this!
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Joe “Pags” Pagliarulo is a nationally syndicated talk show host heard on 170 radio stations and the can be seen live on video stream at

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  1. I Agree with you; most of these politicians are complete Nutwits, From the current Ores thru both Hiusez if the congress, I am totally p.O)d as if they can)t B,S, their way thru their political lives, they’ll damn sure spend all our tax dollars to make all of us β€œFeel-Good” all the way to the poor house!, πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž

  2. You are correct. The Republicans in many cases are little better or any more conservative than Democrats. Look up their Liberty Scores. We must primary the RINOs. Use their scores to help figure out who is taking your votes and money while enacting progressive and anti American policies. They are exceptionally deceitful.

  3. This country is done. Idiot politicians. Entitled bureaucrats that think they're in charge. We're so broke we'll never get out. Our education system is a brainwashing operation. Our health system is more about money than health.

  4. They just get aaaaallllll excited that they get to say the word HAKEEM Jeffries.

    You could literally hear the overwhelming joy in their voices.

    πŸ‘ 🐏 πŸ‘ 🐏 πŸ‘ 🐏

  5. I watched it today, and the republicans were saying that the sign over the house speaker's seat says. And God, we trust, and the republicans applauded and stood up when the democrats booed and didn't say nothing and never stood up. That shows me and tells me that again. Evil is in the Democrat side of the aisle, and they do not even want to recognize or respect God whatsoever, but they don't mind taking the money that has in God. We trust on the money on our currency that shows you what type of hypocrites and evil lion b***** they really are, and they're gonna have to pay for that thinking when it comes time to look at God.

  6. We MUST fight the insanity sweeping America! For our kids future. Personally, I’m old, and don’t care anymore for myself. I see it getting worse, before it gets better. But I worry and will fight for my kids future!

  7. The greatest threat to the United States is not China, nor Russia, nor Iran, and not North Korea.
    The GREATEST threat to the United States is….

    along with it's propaganda mouthpiece,

  8. You hit on one of my pet peeves. Why is it so important to people with deviate sexual orientation to take every opportunity to tell us that they aren't straight? It's wrong to me for a lot of reasons. Mostly, I don't care who/ what you screw. Often gay mannerisms tell me waaay more than I want to know. In my 8 decades of life, I have never once identified myself based on my sexual preference. I wish they could be just a little discreet about their sexual preferences.πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š


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